Hold On I Just Need A Refill

830 36 193

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It was like a switch, Hoseok thought, as Yoongi cuddled next to him.

They were at the café now, and Hoseok has come to inform Yoongi about his next work placement.

They were going to have another sleepover, as Hoseok would have to leave a bit earlier for work, then straight home for New Year's.

And he didn't want to leave Yoongi alone, for some reason, knowing the elder would not be enjoying his holiday well.

He heard the elder sigh, and he placed his mug of mocha down, just so he could wrap his arm around the man.

It's like a switch.

Yoongi has gone... soft. Cuddly.

And made sure it was okay by asking all the time.

"... You sure this is okay? What if someone sees? And they take pictures? And-"

"Hey hey..." Hoseok shushed the elder, rubbing his arms comfortingly, "Its all right. They can know. I don't care."

Yoongi's heart fluttered, but instead pouted a bit, nodding before dropping his head back onto the other's shoulders.

"This... this is okay right? I m-mean- me being like this... soft and all..."

Hoseok looked down, lips meeting the crown of Yoongi's head as he spoke, "Of course... why wouldn't it?"

"I just..."

The elder sat up a bit, the younger letting him go. He watched the man sip on his coffee carefully, eyebrows furrowed a bit and his eyes were just... sad. He reached out a comforting hand to rub his back.

"Its uh... its... w-well..."

"Hyung... we don't have to talk about it now. There's time for that."

He sighed again and shifted closer into the younger's open arms.

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This time, their sleepover would be Hoseok's apartment.

Hoseok insisted Yoongi bring only his toiletries, and no need for any clothes. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at that, and promptly turned away to hide his blush when the other confessed he liked seeing Yoons in his clothes.

Yoongi vaguely remembers the scarf he borrowed and had totally forgotten about its existence in his room, even though it was hanging by the rack near the door. He placed it there just so he could remember to give it back to its owner, but he was well distracted by so many things.

He had a light shower to warm himself up, before changing into the really big hoodie of Hoseok's. It slipped over him pretty easily, and he patted it down, enjoying the feeling of a big, warm hoodie engulfing him, as well as the smell of Hoseok. He brought his sweater paws up to his face, inhaling the perfume and something of Hobi's natural scent, closing his eyes in bliss at how heady it made him feel, how safe it made him be.

He soon joined the other in the dining area, said man looking through his phone, a frown on his face.

He must've heard his footsteps, because as soon as he stepped into the kitchen, he looked up and gave him a childish pout.

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