Promotional Art

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Yoongi was at the counter, head in his hands as he solemnly stared at his screen.

He let out a sigh, feeling a bit lightheaded.

Jin huffed from behind him. "That's like the 18th time you've sighed in the last half an hour. Get a break."



Jin went on making his snack, water boiling in the kettle next to him. He reached up to grab the tea sachets and two mugs, placing one in each.

He reached for the kettle that had finished, and heard another sigh.


He carefully poured out the water, watching the colour change slowly. He grabbed a mug and the bowl of honey chips for Yoongi, placing it next to the man. He smiled softly, amazed at how much dedication the younger was putting in to make great songs. He ruffled his hair, "Relax a bit... then continue."

"But hyung..."

"C'mon. half an hour. Promise. I'll let you know when and by then your brain would've refreshed, and you can continue."

Time was now close to 10 p.m.

Yoongi had been out the whole day, work in the morning, classes in the afternoon, stayed in his studio till Jin had to threaten him out of the place for dinner, and now here they are.

The night was too cold for Yoongi to go back, and he didn't want to spend his money on taxi fees. So, he packed up his stuff and stayed.

It was going well, his brain working at full capacity as he arranged his composition. But now, it sounded weird- wrong, like something is missing.

He sighed again.



Unable to protest his hyung, he stood up, weakly grabbing his mug and bowl as he followed the elder to the sofa. He didn't even bother putting his laptop to sleep. It will do itself anyway.

He chose to curl up by the arm of the couch, legs up and tucked to balance the bowl, the mug was left on the coffee table.

Jin did the same, only he had his long legs stretched out to lay them on the arm of the next couch.

The elder was smart, bribing his dongsaeng with his favourite chips to accompany him on the TV.

He pouted, chewing on the chips, mind still running with worry on how he might not be able to create something for his final assignment.

His three assignments had to do about creating music of course, but the first two were specific in genres. Jin has helped him with a ballad song, and it was quite popular, earning many likes by Spotify and SoundCloud listeners.

For this particular piece, it would have to be in his style, and Yoongi wants to do really well, as this piece would not only determine 75% of his grade, but would also become a steppingstone for him for his future as a producer.

He sighed, 21, as he reached for his mug.

He took a tentative sip.

The – whatever that show was – changed to a commercial.

Yoongi choked and spat his tea. Jin gasped, eyes shining and smile wide.


"Don't hyung," he held a hand up, eyes still on the TV, his face redding as he watched, "Please don't..."

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