Your Personal Uber Driver

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"That's an interesting show you're watching..."

"I know right? Its all about action and police raids and drugs..."

Jin chuckled at the monotone voice, plopping next to Yoongi on the couch.

"Is there no movie or drama to entertain you?"

The younger sighed, picking the remote back up to scroll through the channels, but nothing interesting showed up and he ended back on the news.

"There you go. Nothing."

"Aish Yoongi... its my birthday! Live a little."

"'M tryin... but it's so boring! You're gonna leave in a bit to have fun with your Namjoon and Taehyungie. And me? I'll be sittin' here till night so we can party," he went on, slouching more into the couch before mumbling a quiet, "Don't even wanna party..."

"I asked if you wanted to join."

"And come in between you three? And fourth wheel you guys? Ahahahaha no." And he went back to flicking through the channels.

Jin pouted, his heart melting as if he saw a cute little child whining. "Aww Yoongichi... you gonna miss hyungie?~," he asks, pinching the other's cheeks softly. That earned a swat to his hand, but the pink cheeks were worth it.

"Hyung stoooop! Go away!"

Jin pouted again, easing back into the couch.

"You can always call Hoooseeeooookkk~~"


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He was by the bus stop, waiting for the bus that would bring him to the city when his phone rang.


"Seok-ah... don't tell me you're lost or something..."

He thinks he saw his bus from a distance.

"Oh no no... I know where to go. But Joon told me about you not having a ride?"


"Jin-hyung was supposed to be your ride, but it seems he got busy..." He heard Hoseok's giggle after a beat, "I know watchu thinkin."

The elder sighed. "Yea, that's why I'm taking the bus."

"Lemme pick you up hyung! I just left my place."

"Seok-ah," the bus was approaching, and the two people with him were standing up to board soon. He pulled his coat on tighter. "You're a bit far."

"Oh its okay! I'm on my way now. So find somewhere warm to stay and I'll let you know when I'm close."

"What are you? My Uber driver?"

"I can be one if you need me to. You have my number."

Why is it suddenly warm?


The bus stopped and the two passengers boarded on quickly. Yoongi noticed the driver was watching, and he shook an apologetic no. The doors closed, and the bus took off.

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