The Right Timing In Everything

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Hoseok has stayed with him for another day, till he deemed it was okay for Yoongi to be alone for a while longer. Seokjin was around anyways, it would not be a problem.

The few days have been filled with Yoongi working on his piece. Seokjin has busied himself with work and other things.

But the two roommates have somehow been able to spend time together doing little things like laundry and cooking. Thanks to the extra week, Yoongi was able to plan his time properly, while being able to work on other chores and rest enough.

Seokjin was glad he used his status as a doctor, not phasing once even when Yoongi berated him for it. The elder hyung just smiled and ruffled his hair, lecturing him softly about how he should be thankful instead, rather than being sorry about it. Yoongi was in fact, having mixed feelings about this, but a few more words from the elder got him to agree to his fate.

He cooked a family recipe for Jin, and was constantly praised for it the whole time they had dinner.

It was a workday for Jin, and said man was to spend the next few hours at work with his senior. Seeing how his hyung would be late, he wonders if it was a good idea to get his hyung tomorrow for the recording. It's not much, but if it is going to tire him, Yoongi would reschedule it a bit later around evening, or the next day.

He texted, just in case.

He clicked on the save button, leaning back to stretch his limbs, feeling satisfied at the pops.


His track has been done, and he has been running through some demo samples he recorded earlier so it would be easy for Jin to learn and record, and some for himself so he would not forget the flow for his rapping later. 

His singing was terrible, but Jin was good at getting the point and he makes it even better, in Yoongi's opinion. And this time he's going to be recording background vocals only, so there will be multiple recordings for certain parts.

Overall, not much hard work for that.

He hopes he gets his rap right, it is hard to get the flow when you're blurting out words at high speed. He stumbles on them easily.

But he has been practising so...

He got out of his chair, bringing the empty mug of tea along just so he could get a refill. He glanced at the clock.

It's going to be six... should I make dinner for us?

Would be a good idea, he thought, as he turned back to his computer to put it to sleep.

He walks out and into the kitchen, placing his things on the counter before looking through the fridge to see what he could make.

Mostly common ingredients...

Shall I make gimbap? There are some dishes as well...

He pulls out the seaweed sheets and checked; yep, there was a lot of them.

Gimbap it is.

He placed it on the counter, then proceeds to pull other ingredients out.

He went on to cook some rice, before focussing on other ingredients.

He was glad Seokjin got the rectangular pan. It was easy to make fried egg with an easy shape to work with.

After this, he would need to get the carrots and cucumber chopped, spinach, ham, crab sticks- shall I add tuna as well?

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