Calm The Hunger, Love Your Lover

757 37 241

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He let his eyes open, despite feeling the weight.

The brightness of the room was too irritating...

He turned away from the window, huddling in so that he could fall back into sleep.

And he did... somewhat.

He was just in limbo, but it was quiet and comforting enough for him to feel completely relaxed in the warmth. A hand blindly searched around the bed for the remote, opting to increase the temperature a bit as it was chilly...


Too lazy, he was, and just decided to let himself float in the quietness.

He did not know how long he stayed that way, but once he was comfortable enough to stay awake, he checked the time on his phone.

He shot up.

2 fucking p.m.?!

He dropped his phone and rubbed his eyes, hoping he was hallucinating, hoping his eyes were just tired and playing tricks on him.

He checked his phone again.

2. Fucking. P.m...

He sighed, dropping his phone to run his hands through his hair.

He felt utterly disgusting, did not even give himself the chance to wash up after coming back yesterday. Just changed, dumped his bag, and went to bed.

2 p.m.

Wow- okay-

He pulled the comforter off, swinging his legs over to get up. His stomach decided to demonstrate a whale's mating call.

He looked down at his tummy, the sudden flare of pain due to emptiness had him halt in his position.

Fuck... I need food.

But there was not any food in the kitchen, save for some condiments. The men did plan to be away for a week, so keeping any fresh items in the fridge was not a good idea.

There weren't any instant noodles as well.

Nothing. There might be chips if he scavenged a bit, and he tried to move again, but the pain stopped him from moving any further as he groaned.

Somewhere at the back of his mind, he remembered someone lecturing him about not going to bed with an empty stomach.


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