Scroll Till You Find A Gem

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Thanks to the post, Yoongi has found Namjoon's account, and decided to follow him as well.

Expecting a welcome with pictures of him in suits or something fancy and very CEO, Yoongi did not expect to be greeted with Bonsai plants instead.

That was uh... unexpected.

Sure, there were a few selcas of him here and there, and there were a few pictures of Taehyung as well somewhere, but the account was full of plants, mainly bonsais, parks, his dog's, trees- is that... is that a frog?

Damn, Yoongi bit his lip as he smiled, who knew the business tycoon was actually a gentle giant.

There was a lot. Like, a lot of pictures of nature. There was even a video of him feeding two squirrels as Tae was next to him watching with fascination.

Seokjin must have been aware of his account, right?

"Watchu looking at Yoons? Oh?"

Jin was already next to him on the sofa, dinner long finished as the two lounged around a bit.

"Didn't know you were into bonsai trees."

Yoongi just huffed.

"S' not me. It's your boyfriend's account."

"Ah, the bonsai collection. Yea... there's quite a number of it in his garden now that you mention it. There's also one in his office, kitchen, living room... everywhere actually."

"That's some dedication right there," he said, impressed at the amount.

It is true. Bonsai trees need a lot of maintenance for it to grow healthy and well. And it just by looking at the pictures, he can tell Namjoon works hard on taking care of them.

"It's a hobby for him. He loves nature, and has a fascination with sea creatures. If you scroll a bit lower, you'll find videos of crabs."

Now that he wants to see.

He scrolled, trying to find the thumbnail which would relate to a crab.

Which was very far down he supposes, so he kept scrolling until...

Until it no longer relates to nature.

It was pictures of him. Lots of model-esque pictures.


Ilsan Lake Park, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Ilsan Lake Park, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

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Liked by J-Hope_0218 and others

knj_loves_bonsai Monnie never likes me... but the usual bribery of treats will get him to sit still at least for a few seconds...

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