Make Way!

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A few days have gone by with occasional visits from Hoseok. The second time he came after his trip to give something to the manager, he looked much brighter, though a bit shy and more reluctant than he was before.

Yoongi wondered what happened. He noticed the small changes.

He does not flirt as much as he did. No more pick-up lines. He does his smiling as usual, but it seemed a bit dimmer.

He does his usual ordering of coffee and sometimes pastries, and even with the knowledge that he does indeed get special treatment from the barista, Hoseok didn't seem to be feeling all that good.

Is this... is this the part where he would give up?

Yoongi has questioned that quite often, but with reassurances from both Namjoon and Seokjin, and the fact the model keeps visiting for his drink, he holds onto that little bit of hope.

"Trust me Yoons. He does like you, maybe even deeeeeeeply in love with you~"

Yoongi just smacked him lightly on the shoulder, turning to look out onto the road.

"Shut up..."

"He even got you gifts!" the elder said, giggling a bit later on. "They might be courting gifts, don't you think?"

"Oh my god this ain't the olden times! Hurry up! I'm getting hungrier by the minute."


He was about to retort, but paused and felt himself turn red a bit when he noticed the traffic.

"Shut up..."

The two soon reached their destination, parking the car outside right off the road.

Yoongi pressed the doorbell, a few seconds later the door opening with his elder brother out to greet them.

"Gi! And Jin! Welcome, welcome!"

"Hey Youngsoo-hyung. How have you been?"

The two men shook hands as soon as they entered, Yoongi immediately dropping to the floor to greet a very excited puppy.

"I have been good! A bit jittery, but the good kind." The elder turned, almost tripping over his younger brother who was now curled up on the floor with Holly excitedly yapping and licking.

"Yah! This kid. Can't even greet his brother but just lay in the middle of the entryway."

Jin chuckled at the two brothers' antics as he slipped his feet from his shoes and hang his jacket on the coathanger. By then, Yoongi has already stood up from his place, Holly cradled in his arms as he walked in to greet his sister-in-law.

"How has she been?"

"She's been feeling lethargic most of the time. The cramps... And the mood swings... man... Yoongi managed to live with her without any problems, for some reason."

Jin hummed with a smile as he followed the other to the dining area, where Yoongi and his sister-in-law were bustling around in the kitchen.

He bent down a bit to pet Holly, cooing scratching behind its ears before getting up to walk towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Sebin-ah."

The lady turned, eyes wide and happy when she noticed the man.


She waddled over like a happy penguin, her husband's hand reaching out to steady her once she got close.

They shared a bear hug, the man being careful with her swollen belly.

Save My Heart [ Sope AU ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang