Cupid's Way To Win

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It was only a small comment, but that gained the attention of a lot of people.

That particular thread earned thousands of likes, and Hoseok feels terrible for the sudden attention Yoongi was gaining.

Seokjin didn't mind that much, and Namjoon was used to the attention, being one of the most influential businessmen in Korea, plus being friends with a famous model and his fashion designer sister.

But Yoongi...

He wants to be one of the top producers, which comes with popularity.

And gaining attention like this... he thinks Yoongi will not be too fond of it.

He hopes that this would not make the headlines or cause havoc, but as he walked up to the office at his company, he was not feeling too sure.

All thoughts of wanting to have a good time dating Yoongi flew out of his brain as he stepped in.

He sat down quietly, bottom lip between his teeth as he waited for the words his managers were going to say.

Mayhem Entertainment Company, ran by Kang Minseo, was one widely well-known company for its diversity in models. The company has been successful over the few years, scouting not only models from Korea, but from various parts of the world. They have them trained by professionals, just so they can walk the runway with confidence and poise. They weren't successful at first, as Korea at that time had a certain beauty standard that was only acceptable. But when one of their group units got successful with a famous brand, they were suddenly everywhere, getting brand deals left and right.

Hoseok was one of the members of that unit.

"Hoseok-ah... I think you know why you're here..."

Said man gulped. He hoped it was quiet.

"... Yes..."

"Good. Now, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life or whatever..."

He unintentionally let out a sigh.

"But a little notice on the fact that you've started dating would be nice. We're getting way too many calls and emails on this topic."

"I... I'm sorry. Even I didn't know I would be dating that fast... or- well..."

Minseo leaned forward in his seat. "What do you mean?"

"I was... have been asking for... more than a month, I think. And suddenly- well- we just started dating-"

"Hmm..." the elder nodded, rubbing his chin. "Are you two exclusive?"

"No, not yet. He wants to date first..."

"Ah yes... I forgot about that part. It's a guy."

He felt his hands sweat and he rubbed them onto his jeans. "Is that um... is that a problem?"

"No... well... I'm- I guess I kind of expected- what I'm saying is..." he cleared his throat, "we're in this fashion business which comes with a lot of diversity and such, so I'll respect however you are, that's how you succeeded anyway... I'm just not used to this so... you know, you live your life however you want and all. But- if you're going to be doing something that might garner attention, please do inform us so we are ready."

His hands were shaking, but the joy he felt when he heard those words meant only good things.


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