First Times And Maybe Many More

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He gulped, setting himself in a corner of the room he was in.

The dressing and makeup rooms were separated between the men and women, and currently, he was stuck waiting for his turn on applying makeup.

This was his first project, working under Hoseok. J-Hope. His boyfriend.

He was paying close attention to his phone, reading some random article that popped up on his recommended as he tried to calm his nerves.

This is not his first time doing something like this.

But booooyyy...

There were many more professionals now. Some of the people, he found out, were part-time models or even Instagram models. 

And some were new to the whole thing. Like him.

But as he watched them move around, getting to know one another and making friends, he was sure that this was not their first rodeo in such a scene.

It is not a big group, honestly. He would only be working with four other male models.

The rest of the models were to do another shoot by another director in the next hall.

But still, he felt a bit intimidated with all these good looking people-

Stop. Looking.

The makeup room is the only room they shared, as it was huge.

He felt a tap on his arm, and he looked up with wide eyes, meeting with a guy who looked like he just stepped out of high school. But like... some beauty high school???

Or something.

The kid was lean, but Yoongi was able to notice he was slightly muscular as well, around the arms and shoulder. And he was tall. Maybe even taller than Hoseok.

He must've worked out a lot. Or he's an athlete.

The kid bowed and he nodded his head in greeting, shuffling a bit, allowing the guy to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry if this was very forward... but I saw you sitting alone here. I thought we could get to know one another!"


Yoongi was lost for words.

How to communicate? Need to Google that next time.

"Um- I'm Im Kwan."

"Y-Yoongi. Min."

"Yoongi-ssi. I felt like I have seen you somewhere but... I don't really remember..."

"Ah... well I- not to be rude but, I've never met you so..."

"Oh, I see! Must be somewhere else then."

"School, perhaps?"

"Maybe. But I'm done with school."

"College then."

"I haven't started college yet actually."

"Min Yoongi-ssi."

Their conversation had to be cut off, unfortunately, as Yoongi headed up to the mirrors so the make up artist and hairstylist could work on him.

Kwan soon left for his turn of the photoshoot. And the other three models before him were already out of their outfit and makeup.

Hooooly shit.

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