Why Did I Think This Was A Good Idea?

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"So... how does this work?"

Hoseok placed down his mug.

"Like I have mentioned that night, you can either sign a contract, or work as a side thing. A hobby. When you sign a contract, you will be dedicating your time and your image to represent the company. In return, we, or any company or ambassadors who hired you will pay you. Usually in this scenario, you won't be getting any official copies of the photoshoot."

"Well- why not?"

"Because that's what they're paying for. They're paying you so they could have pictures of you. Or videos. Basically, your image."


"If it's a collaboration, its usually requested by the photographer. In exchange for your time and image to promote themselves or build up their portfolio, they will give you official photos. Models can request too, but must consent for the photographer to keep for their portfolio. Just like what Namjoon and I did when I was starting. He let me," he used his fingers to air quote, ""use him" – his image – so I could build mine. In return, I send him the photos I took. Which is why it makes me mad when he doesn't use them," the man pouted, huffing childishly.

Yoongi nodded, looking back down at the contract.

It kind of makes sense now.

"Usually for collaborations, money is not involved. If money is involved, its safer to have a contract so people who are involved know their rights and benefits."

"Hmm... what about the last time we did the photoshoot? Last December. We did sign a contract..."

Hoseok leaned on his arms, an amused smile on. "You ended up getting those outfits for free, remember?"

"Ah... so that's in a way, a payment."


"So this contract... is mainly for part-timers?"

"Yeap. There's a difference between a full-time model and a part-time model's, of course. And there are two types of starting contracts. One is the one-time-only contract, basically, you take part in only one project, and the other is a short-term contract. There are choices that you can make for the short-term contract, that is the duration you would like to participate in if you're thinking of doing more than one projects. Usually, its either 3 months, 6 months or a year. I would suggest the latter, 3-6 months."


"The 3 months term and 6 months term would not allow you to terminate before the deadline, unlike the 1-year term."

"Why not?"

"Because, 3-6 months is usually somewhat the estimate duration for you to be able to complete at least two projects. For the 1-year term, although you can terminate it halfway, the pay won't be balanced, you see. I usually open these contracts for beginners or part-timers so they could get their exposure. If my company, or any other companies think someone is worth having as a full-time model, they would offer them a spot. I just play the steppingstone for them when they enter this world."

"I see..."

"Yea... so as a director, I'm giving you the choice, if you want to work only on one project, or for a few months."

"And I would get paid?"


He went quiet, eyes trained on the words on the contract.

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