Hearts and Attention

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His alarm blared through his ears and he woke up with a scramble, hands immediately finding his phone to shut it up.

He stretched, letting out an inhumane screech as he felt his muscles loosen and joints popping.


He slumped out of bed, still half asleep as he trudged all the way to the bathroom, then to the kitchen for some water, when he realised the place was quiet.

Ah... he must have gone to work. It is... 9 am. Cool.

He has two classes that day, and he still got plenty of time, so he did what he thought would be a good idea to spend the next few hours.

He went back to bed.

Climbing in, he thought he should re-set another alarm in case he does not wake up later that morning.

He noticed that he had notifications on Instagram, so after setting the alarm, he thought it wouldn't hurt to check so he clicked on it.

And oh man.

What he got made him sit up in shock as he stared at the post.


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The first thing that greeted him that morning was the buzzing of his phone.

It wasn't the alarm, no. He had another 15 minutes of sleep, but before he could turn to bury himself under the sheets, the buzzing started. He reached a hand over to his phone, unplugging it from the charger to bring it to him.

He unlocked it and was flooded with notifications from both Instagram and Twitter.

He smiled softly, stretching a bit before clicking on the notification for Twitter. Fans from all over the world, including models that he has worked with once or twice, have liked and commented on the picture. He replied to some of them, wishing his thanks and promises on working together soon if the opportunity ever arises.

After lounging on Twitter, he moved to Instagram. Again, he was swamped with likes and comments from many people. Even famous directors and photographers have commented, asking for a collaboration when the time comes. Happily, he replied to many of them, gladly accepting their requests.

He was going through some more when he noticed the username @ksj_WWH, which was Seokjin, as the name really made him cackle when he told him and showed his Instagram when they met at the café.

He laughed a bit at the memory. The pictures in his account were mostly of food and his dog, which he learned that it had died a few years back, and some selcas. He really looked good, and does live up to the 'Worldwide Handsome' title, so Hoseok had wondered why he was not into taking photos or even modelling.

My face and ears turn so red and I get shy, so I don't really post too much selcas, was the reason he gave. And honestly, that was the dumbest reason ever.

Maybe I should pull him to the studio too, have both Kims model for me...

He nodded approvingly of his idea, making a mental note to discuss this with them.

Maybe... I'll get Yoongi-hyung too...

Hehe. That would be nice.

He clicked on the comment, and there were two replies.

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