Apricity And Promises

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It was a fairly good day, and he has just ended his 2-hour lecture.

He was walking out from his university, noticing his bus pass by on the way to its designated stop a few meters away.

His body wanted to run for it, but he held still, remembering why he decided he would be walking to his destination in the first place.

He crossed the road, his mind already memorized the other path he takes to town. He went on, hands in his pockets, cursing lightly for he forgot to bring his gloves.

His jacket was big and thick, which he thanked Seokjin internally to make him wear it. He adjusted his beanie, waiting for the red light turn green so that he could cross. In the meantime, he entertained himself - and the kid who was being carried next to him - by blowing into the cold air, cloudy wisps curling out thick.

It was December 1st, and this sudden cold weather wasn't really accepted by him yet. It should've progressed in slower, but it had to hit him hard in the face. Literally and figuratively.

At least I get to bundle up nice and warm...

He rubbed his hands, shoved them back into his pocket, and walked the moment the light turned green.

It was afternoon, so the sun was up and warm, but staying in the cold lecture room for 2 hours straight has numbed his limbs. At least he can still walk.

He shuffled by a few shops that had lots of smoke coming out of them, Yoongi figured traditional food were being freshly cooked; it is nearing lunchtime for many city dwellers.

He walked by, the heat and steam emitting from the shops nicely warming him up somehow, though his face says otherwise when he had to walk through the smoke.

Yoongi, with no hesitation would walk right in, since those food were cheap, delicious, filling, and warm. Scratch that, hot. Hot and spicy. Perfect for warming him up in a weather like this.

He didn't though, decided to bow and smile at the owners and cooks he was familiar with, walking by quickly to stay away from the smoke.

He had to cross another road, so he waited, immediately noticing a man with a dog walking by on the other side.

It was a park, and it was known for many apartment owners nearby would visit with their dogs there. He smiled, maybe there would be someone who would walk out with their dog, and maybe he would get to pet them.

The light turned green, and he walked on, almost bumping into a couple.

He neared the sidewalk, walking closer next to the low fence surrounding the park.

He still has some time, maybe he could...

He stepped over the metal gate, not wanting to walk all the way to the entrance.

There were a number of empty benches around the park, but he figured it was too cold for people to be out here for long.

Though he did see a man sitting on one, head angled as if he were looking up, and Yoongi for a moment, felt like he knows him.

He walked a bit towards him, not wanting to make a grand presence in case he caught the wrong guy. He walked a bit to the side to get a view of his side profile, and the closer he got, the more sure he was of who it could be.


Said man startled a bit, head immediately turning so they could meet eyes.

The younger gave him a dimpled smile, eyes wide, showing excitement as he called out, "Yoongi-hyung!"

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