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1st Pov

I was left alone.

That's always how it ends.

No matter how hard I try, the cycle just repeats itself over and over again for me.

I can only wish for the day I could leave this damn hell hole



"Alright, I am off! Goodbye!" I said to nobody in particular. I grabbed my weapon and bag of random items and headed straight out the door, though I remembered that I need to lock it so I did a full 180 and ran back to do just that. Then I continued to do what I do. What is it that I do? I have no clue! But I'll figure out something sooner or later.

So, hi I'm Akemi Okuma. Pleasure to meet you guys so remember my name would ya? I travel and stuff like that and I returned to Mondstadt for a while cuz I was bored. I was given a Pyro vision an- wait, who am I talking to? Oh well, if I don't remember they weren't important.

Anyways, it seems like I walked to the ocean unintentionally... Not much to do here so I guess I'll- "Ow what the hell?!"

"Zido kucha ya!" 

I turned around to see a camp of hilichurls coming toward me ready to attack. "Wait.. That doesn't make sense. Aren't the meant to be deeper in the woods?" I wondered. Hold up, I'll think about this later. I'm pretty sure these people just insulted me.

I converted the frame of my weapon into it's scythe mode so it was now able to be used as a mid-to-close-range blade melee weapon and waited for them to get closer. By the time I finished adjusting my military cap the hilichurls had already surrounded me and were mere seconds from jumping me, before they could even try I used my scythe's reoil to launch myself in the air, a grin appeared on my face as propelled myself back on the ground and smashed the ground with brute force causing a shock wave which sent them flying.

"So... are y'all gonna leave me alone or nah?"

Eventually some of them got backup and charged back towards me, 'Ok get your butts kicked I guess, but you can't say I didn't give you any chances' stepping on top of a hilichurls' face, I shoved him to the ground while also throwing myself in another group of hilichurls. I threw my sniper-scythe high in the air as I landed on the floor and allowed flames to engulf my right leg. And before the masked creatures knew it, they were greeted with an axe kick to the face. Everyone was defeated and my weapon landed in my hands.

'Now that's how you do it!'

"Ok, That's all of them! Now for the- ack!"

Oops... I forgot about the possible chances of reinforcement coming..

Ok so being greeted with a mouth full of sand wasn't the best way to start round 2 but hey, let's just say I was being nice and let the damn Mitachurl take a hit because he won't be getting another chance.

I got back up too see who the next victims will be. It consisted of a wooden shield wall Mitachurl, an ice abyss mage and two Hilichurls.

I must say, that is one of the most horrible combination they could have come up with if they're specifically fighting me. It nearly makes me feel sorry for them. Quickly, I changed my scythe into it's Sniper-rifle mode.

The Mitachurl and hilichurls wasted no time and instantly charged at me. Activating my elemental skill I converted myself into flames and dodged it leaving a path of smoke as I did so. Just as I was behind them, I converted back.

"Bring it on guys!" My weapon was fully loaded and ready to be fired. I was about to attack from behind but the Mitachurl and hilichurls...


They fucking drowned in the ocean behind me...

"Pfft- You literally had one job!" I started laughing. Of all the things I expected to happen this wasn't one of them. I eventually stopped and looked at the abyss mage who was preparing to aim his attacks at me. I changed my weapon back into it's Scythe mode.

"Alright." I said. "Time to feel the burn!" I stomped on the ground causing a buttload of fire to spew from the ground surrounding the ice abyss mage. It's shield had melted from the heat radiating of the fire. I lifted my sniper-scythe above my shoulders as it lit on fire and stabbed it into ground. The floor underneath the abyss mage exploded and the said abyss mage was now nowhere to be seen.

"Hm... Fish and chips sound good right about now.. It's decided! That's what I'll ea..." My voice got quieter and quieter as I looked up to see something looking like a golden comet heading directly at me. "Now what the hell that?!"

I moved to the side in order to not get hit by whatever was coming in my direction. Then I made a falling whistle sound effect as the falling object took it's time heading here.


The dust cleared so I walked over to see what it was.

"Took ya long enough to fall, now what was thaaa.." I panicked when I saw what it was.

Or who..

"OH CRAP IT'S A PERSON THAT FELL FROM THE SKY!" I poked him to check if he was awake.

'What do you mean check if he's awake?! Of course, not he's out cold!! And how the hell did he not die??' 

I checked his body for any injuries and began treating them with the bandages that was left in my bag. Although they were pretty messy, they should do for now, besides, he wasn't very injured anyways. I threw him over my shoulders and carried him to the tent that used to be occupied by Hilichurls and put him to rest there. The camp fire was already lit up and surprisingly wasn't burnt out so I grabbed a pot that was on the floor and put it over the fire to cook something for when he wakes up.

'Only vegetables in here... Guess he'll have some kind of soup made with them.' By the time I was done he still hasn't woken up yet and it was nearly night. How long am I gonna wait for this dude to wake up?!

I sat down and leaned on one of the wooden poles supporting the tent. My knees were pulled over to my chest and I rocked back and fourth humming to random songs to keep my mind of the cold. I didn't want the unknown person to get cold so I put my cloak over him to keep him warm.

I sighed as I decided to head back home but leave a few things for him here. "Sorry buddie, I don't do well in the cold. Hope you understand." I left a bag of food, my cloak and a note there explaining what happened and left the scene.

I finally saw my house in the distance surrounded by the trees I see everyday when I come back from my travels. Unlocking the door, I entered my cosy house and got ready for bed. Laying down I stared at the ceiling then closed my eyes. 

'Now we better meet again... Finding pyro abyss mages and fighting them is so muh work... Especially when your a pyro'

You know, I  should really go to visit other people sometime. It would be nice to see some people again.


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