Round 2 of facing the Dragon

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3rd POV

After moving into the ruins, Venti explained that we are unable to advance any further as they needed to activate ancient seals in order to open the gateway to Dvalin's true location.

Due to Diluc's knowledge, the group now know that they are light actuators. And it's been confirmed that there are three of them. 

"We should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator. Let's put the last one back and see."

Walking over to the actuator, Aether had successfully activated it.

"Looks like we're right, there are three more halos circling the tower." Said the bard.

"Which means, there are three more corresponding light actuators to activate. I can see one from here." Everyone looked to where Jean pointed to see another light actuator in the distance.

"The rest must be scattered within the ruins around here, let's go find them." Ordered the Acting Grand Master.

"Why did Dvalin pick a place dilled with puzzles as his lair? Doesn't he get annoyed comming back home?" Asks Paimon.

Akemi, who heard this had to stop herself from facepalming. "He flies in ok!?"

"Oh... right."

"Anyways, I saw where the other two were so this will be easy. Let's go!"
Akemi wasted no time running to the very edge of the tower and jumping off, Aether and Paimon hot on her trail.

No, literally.

Akemi activated her vision as her body converted into flames and into the direction of the first light actuator.



"Mission has been completed! Next step, the actual fighting scene!" I happily grinned as I looked at everyone.

"I'm thinking of turning these adventures into songs when were done" Venti admitted.

Wouldn't that be great? A song for people to know you by... But be careful or you'd get a bad reputation if the song is bad!

Aether smiled. "Well, we definitely went through a lot recently."

'What a pretty smile!'

"Hopefully this song will be sung for years to come by the people of Mondstadt. Just like the Legend of Vanessa!"

Oh! I love that story!

A fiery-headed dame confined in a cell, from the southern plains she did hail.
Born free but now bound by chains, and though restrained by a tyrant her flesh still rema-

"I have loved that song since I was small" Spoke Jean passionately.

Ok rude- I was still reciting the whole thing.

Jean put a hand to her chest. "I feel completely prepared, and fully confident that we can do this."

"Rest assured, I'm also completely prepared for this!" Promised Aether.

"Super prepared!"

A determined aura floated around the two of us for a second before disappearing.

"Even master Diluc accompanied us till the very end! Despite being an accidentally involved bystander" I can't really tell if Paimon is mocking home or not.

Actually... How did Diluc get involved? I need to ask later.

"You shared your secret with me.... And I only returned you trust to the same extent." The lonely man replied.

A Light To Call Home ☆Genshin Impact☆Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя