The 5th And The Jade Chamber

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A/n: We're back to Aether now


30 minutes later after Akemi left she came back with an hysterically laughing Childe while the girl herself got embarrassed after explaining the situation to him. She watched annoyed as the Harbinger struggled to breath, hand on stomach and everything.

"Alright.. I get it. It was dumb searching for the cocogoat now stop laughing!" Exclaimed the pyro user. She pouted, turning the other way to hide her embarrassment.

"Cocogoat! Cocog- ahahaow my sides hurt... Oh my goodness, I cannot BELIEVE you fell for that!" He struggled to get out those words in between his laughter it made almost everyone in the room ashamed of themselves while Qiqi sat near the corner with a bottle of coconut milk Akemi bought for her earlier on the way back.

"Hey!" Paimon shouted at the degenerate male. "Less laughing, More sympathy!"

Thankfully, Childe's laughter did subdue itself in the end, and he was composed enough to solves the situation.

"I'm almost in tears here.." Childe let out another brief chuckle as he walked closer to the others, Akemi right behind him. "Ah, thank you. that was the best laugh I had in a long time. In return, I'm more than happy to sort out this mess you've managed to get yourselves into."

He turn to the boss. "Excuse me, sir... Dr Baizhu?, isn't it? Truly honored, I'm Childe, one of the Fatui Harbingers. Forgive my audacity, but I see a great many opportunities to collaborate. If the Bubu Pharmacy needed a stable supply of, say, coconut milk, The fatui could help by setting up a robust and speedy transport network."

After some brief conversations and Qiqi's pleading, they came to a solution. Baizhu even gave him a discount.

A measly 10,000 more mora was removed.

2,840,000 mora now.

Akemi snorted at this. "Heh, looks like I have more value then the whole organisation." She placed her hands on her hips, proud.


A few hours has passed after the incident, the sun was slowly setting in the distance. That once warm air earlier was nothing but a cold breeze in the wind now. Akemi wrapped her cloak around her neck, nuzzling into it to keep her warm. Only her eyes were visible.

Once again, everyone was back at Yujing Terrace.. The consultant was looking over all of the supplies, and turned back to the group once he finished. thankfully, Zhongli confirmed that the completion is not far off.

"Well Aether, have you gained anything from your adventures so far?"The old man asked.

Aether thought for a moment, not expecting the question. But when he thought back on everything, he gave a brief smile. "It's been.. Odd..." 

"Odd?" Zhongli thought aloud, wondering what was so odd about this.

The blond thought about how to explain it, having some difficulty. "I'm not sure if we've been living the high life.. or experiencing the struggles of the poor?" He said.

Akemi jumped in. "But fun right?"

Aether nodded. "Right."

"Haha. Which is it, I wonder? Questions that travels raise are ever so complicated. Well, I leave you to ruminate over it yourself. as remuneration for your help, I've decided to treat you to a meal"

"Zhongli... Treating!?"

"Wow! You know it's gonna be good when its the old man treating!" Akemi could already feel herself salivating, but stop before it went onto her cloak.

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