The Chef From Liyue! Part 2!

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3rd POV

"Come on! Just follow me!" Said the blond as he attempted to drag Akemi to the destination.

She gave a depressing sigh before responding. "I can't... My will to live suddenly dissapeared and so did my will to walk."

"You can't just wake up and suddenly LoOsE tHe WiLl to do stuff!" Aether said irritated.

Akemi looked up at him lazily.

"You'll experience that soon when we start travelling throught Tavyat."

Aether rolled his eyes

"Yea right."

"Just carry me, I'll sniff out Xiangling and walk when we get there." She says.

"Your kinda acting like a pup-"

Suddenly, Akemi stood up and almost immediately put one arm around the neck and the other around his mouth in a threatening manner.

"Don't you fucking finish that sentence. These are dragon senses, not Doggy senses."


"Ah you guys are back!" Cheered Xaingling.

"Yep! So anyways what are we doing?" I asked.

The chef scratched the back of her head. "Well, we're in the middle of a cooking battle right now!"

'Oh! A cooking battle'

"Alright! Count me in!" Me and Xaingling locked arms before skipping towards the distance.

"Onwards! To find the best food in the land!" Xiangling followed my lead.

As a result, we migrated across the countryside, from the tiniest of insects to the tallest of evergreens. We scaled peaks and dived in the deepest of waterways! And now we've wandered into a ravine where-

Ok no more complicated words.

So anyways, we entered a ravine and saw kitty-man next to a cave.

"Ah! Somebody's injured!" Paimon panicked.

'He doesn't look injured, just cold' I thought as we ran up to him.

"Brr- So, so c-cold!" The man said.

I snorted. "People actually say 'Brr'?"

Aether elbowed me on the side for that.
"Your acting as if you don't say the word 'gasp'"

"That's fair."

Xiangling walked closer twards the man in concern. "He's shivering! We need to warm him up quick!"

"Uh.... Paimon do something!" I told her.

"Uhhh.. Make a fire!!"

The pyro user thought for a moment before comming up with an idea. "A hot soup would be better."

She looked at Aether and Paimon.
"Aether, how about I look after him while you make a nice warm bowl of soup."

"OH! MAKE ME SOME TOO!" I shouted excitedly.

He agreed and went to a nearby Hillichurl camp we past on the way here  to make some. Meanwhile, me and Xaingling stayed with the man and made sure he was safe.

"....Why aren't we using our pyro visions to do anything?" I asked.

"I- Good point! I have no idea!"

We laughed before Aether came back with two bowls of soup.

I smiled "Yay! You actually got one for me!"

Me and the man drank the soup, both feeling the warm it brought us.

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