Friendship Level 2 | 1/3

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3rd POV

As people would walk deeper into the Sumeru rainforest, they would be enveloped in a sense of calm that they've had never experienced before.

The sunlight shining down through the canopy above created a warm and inviting atmosphere, and the gentle sound of droplets falling from the leaves added a soothing musical accompaniment.

Taking deep breaths resulted in inhaling the fresh, earthy scent of the surrounding vegetation, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over. If you looked around, you'd see the vibrant greens and playful animals, it was something that couldn't help but melt your worries away. It was truly peaceful here.


And then there was Akemi.

The 13-year-old waved an unknown object in the air, laughing as the beat-up thieves tried to get up in attempt to retrieve the item.

"Why you little– give that back!!"

"You'll pay for this!"

"Yeah, don't think you get off easy!"

The girl evilly grins at them, throwing the thing up and down as she jumps over their sloppy attacks. She kicked the back of one of the men's legs, causing him to instantly buckle underneath his own weight as he fell to the ground.

"You took this from Dori, right?" She asks, jumping on top of one of the men who was trying to get back up.

He groans in pain, trying to push the child off as she inspects the object a little more. "Fine! I'll admit it! Me and my buds, we took it!"

Akemi nods and walks off the guy she was on. She looks at all three of them, wondering what she'd do about this situation.

"So now you've learnt the consequences of trying to rob people, especially me, right?" She asks, tilting her head to the side as she waited for an answer.

They all nodded rapidly, responding in a chorus of yeses before bowing to her in apology. "We're sorry!!!"

Akemi watches this with a satisfied smile on her face and walks away with nothing more to say.

"I can't wait to tell Collei and the others about what happened!"


Akemi yelps in surprise when a tree branch suddenly pulls her back by the hair.

She grumbled, fiddling with the hair embedded in the tree hurriedly. It wasn't that she was inpatient, the settlement for the Forest Rangers were nearby. The problem she had was that the lake was nearby, and her irrational fear of crocodiles would make quiet the commotion if one appeared.

Getting annoyed, Akemi pulls out her scythe and cuts the branch off before taking her hair out that way. A sigh of relief escapes the girl's lips as she continued to make her way to her intended destination.

Throwing the unknown object into the air, Akemi catches it with one hand, drags her scythe around with the other and continued this process as a way of entertaining herself.

Eventually she stops all movement and inspects it even more than she did earlier.

"Hm... I wonder what this thing does" She asked herself. Until she noticed a button.

Without second thought she pressed the button.


It was instant regret.

Immediately, Akemi felt strange, as if her heart had dropped into her stomach, and she looked ahead of her to see black hole of gas swirling in front of her, and a strong wind blowing.

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