Darknight Hero 2!

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3rd POV

Aether and Paimon searched in the dark for what felt like hours, trying to find the pyro user that they had sent off earlier.

After what felt like an eternity, Paimon spoke up, sighing. "Uuhhh... Paimon doesn't know what we should've done, but sending Akemi on a walk at night was a bad option." She said.

Aether already knew what to expect, but he didn't think finding her would be this difficult.

He slapped his hand onto his forehead is dissapointment. "Don't remind me.." He pleaded.

Suddenly, a quiet, but energetic cheer rang out somewhere.

"Go Diluc! Right swing!"

Paimon looked around in curiosity, then turned to her partner in crime. "Huh? You heard that too right?"

It didn't take a genius to know who that was, the blond headed in that direction almost instantly. "Let's go take a look.." Said Aether.

When they made it to the scene of the crime, the saw not only Akemi, the another pyro user fighting an abyss mage, Diluc.

Akemi was sat down a little distant from them, watching the fight in awe. The duo made there way down to assist, but something told them that the man had it all undercover.

At some point the abyss mage had trapped Diluc with a ice against the wall. This gave the duo a fright but the gurl had simply shushed them before continuing to watch.

Just as they looked back they saw something glowing within the ice. Not a second later, Diluc breaks free of it and slashes the abyss mage.

"Haha! Isn't he just awesome!" Squealed Akemi.

Despite the girls' happiness, Paimon was more shocked than impressed. "The darknight hero is master Diluc!?" She exclaimed.

Now that the fight was over, the group walked over to Diluc to have a conversation with him.

Diluc looked at them with the same stoic face he showed to most people. "After managing to steer clear of guards patrol route, I never anticipated that I'd run into you three instead." The man admitted.

After putting all the pieces togetherm Paimon had come to a conclusion. "So you're the darknight hero?"

"Darknight hero....?" He looked the the group with a look of dread. "Sounds awfully derivative to me. Please don't tell me you came up with that yourself."

Suprised, Paimon proceeded to go on a rant. "How is this the first time you've heard of that name!? Every man and their dog in Mondstadt is yapping about the darknight hero!"

"I do not concern myself with idle chatter," Replied the man. "Though I suppose I may take the idleness of others as a sign that peace prevails."

"Hzzar! The great mystery of the darknight hero in Mondstadt! We solved it!" Paimon danced around in victory of this achievement, then turned to Diluc once again.

"Now then Mr.Darknight hero-"

"Please- stop calling me that. Seriously, it makes me uncomfortable."

Akemi smiled in amusement at his statement.

Embarrassed, Paimon acted as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "Heh, not suprised.. it's the stupidest name Paimon's ever heard!" She insisted. "You should come up with something more original."

"Like?" Asked Akemi.

"Go on, I'll wait..."

"Emm... Captain Pie."

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