Perfumes of Flowers

587 27 16

3rd POV

"Olah lawa!"

"Dala kucha ya aba?"

"Mimi muhe.... si... please.." Akemi points over to the boiling hot pot, assuring the chief of the Hillichurls that they'd only take no more than five minutes.

The Hillichurls weren't sure at first, but when Akemi gave them food ingredients as a peace offering, they gladly allowed her to use it for as long as she liked.

"Ya odomu, valo."


Akemi happily ran to the pot motioning for the stunned and confused group who had just watch this go down, it didn't help that earlier she jumped in on the Hillichurls little dance ceremony right before.

Now at the pot, Paimon rubbed her head confused. "Uh... Flamebrains, when did you learn to speak the language of Hillichurls?"

The girl only ginned, putting a hand on her chin. "Secret~"

"If my memory serve me right, I'd say-" Zhongli was cut off by Akemi who elbowed him aggressively with an angered face.

"I SAAAAAAIID, it's a secret ♡" She replied with a now happy face.

Taking the Cor lapis from Aether's hand, she get's closer to the boiling hot pot and places them in the water. Aether and Paimon slightly panicked when Akemi's hand also made contact with the boiling hot water. "Yikes! Be careful!"

"Don't worry~ it doesn't hurt but..." The mage cupped her face with her hands and turned the other way. "Nice to know you care about meeeee!"

Paimon deadpanned. "Paimon takes it back.."

"Now, this puny flame needs to be a little warmer!" Ignoring the comment, Akemi kneeled down and examine fire. She cupped her mouth and released a large quantity of flames from her mouth, startling Aether who stood next to her.

Almost immediately, a light came from the first Noctilucous Jade. A mental note was made by Aether to remember that. As time progressed, the other two began to light up, and the 3rd one blinded everyone due to it's brightness.

Paimon covered her eyes. "Ow! That's bright, too bright! That was the 3rd Noctilucous jade, wasn't it"

Aether looked into the pot, "Yeah, it's that one!"

Akemi stood back up, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright guys! Let's keep that in mind and head back!"


"Man, we got lucky didn't we?" Akemi said. "The man gave it to us for half the price!"

Aether released a stressed sigh. "Tell me about it.. I got worried for a second."

Holding the two crates of Noctilucous Jade with one hand, Akemi turned to Zhongli. "So, where do I put these?"

Paimon only stared at the two as Akemi went to place down the crates with no problem. It seemed to bother her how easy Akemi made it all seem. "To be holding those crates so easily... It's scaring Paimon!" She whispered in Aether's ear. He also agreed.

"Hey guys! Come listen to some of these explanations!" Shouted the pyro user.

The duo looked over at each other before dismissing the conversation, and walked over to the other two.


"Now then, we should go and prepare the perfume used in the Rite."

Paimon arched her head, intrigued. "Purfume? Where'll we get those? So we buy them?"

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