An Unexpected Dream

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The atmosphere of the house was peaceful and quiet, which only deepened the melancholy that had settled deep within her heart. The peace was almost suffocating, as if the very peace was trying to sweep away the memories of what had happened, denying her a chance to face them and come to terms with them. It was as if a heavy weight was pressing on her chest, holding her back from moving forward.

Akemi sat there on the sofa quietly as she felt Aether's gentle brush against her hair, which was now tied in a loosely woven braid. The dim light from the dying fire illuminated the room, casting shadows on the walls and highlighting her hair as she sat silently. 

There was a slight chill in the air, but her heart felt warmer from the closeness of Aether's presence. She was thankful for his support and companionship, as the silence between them was a comfortable one, filled with acceptance and mutual understanding.

Akemi stared blankly at the room, her mind void of thoughts, when suddenly she noticed something peculiar. She was now in the body of a 15-year-old, and she felt different from how she had before. She looked at herself, and even the way she moved, thinking, feeling, and acting felt different and unfamiliar. The mage felt disconnected from herself, as if she were in a strange new body she hadn't experienced before. The entire situation was strange and unsettling, and suddenly she felt very vulnerable.

Despite the strangeness of her new body, there was one silver lining to such a bizarre situation: the clothes she was wearing were actually quite comfortable. She's wearing a long-sleeved grey nightgown and reached all the way to her ankles, giving what Akemi considered maximum comfort. The material was lightweight and soft, also adding to the comfort. 

When she walked around in it earlier, Akemi couldn't help but puff her cheeks out in pride as she walked around feeling like the princess in the books who was trapped in a tower. Though she soon had to rethink this, as she wanted to be the dragon who trapped the princess instead.

Perhaps Aether could be the princess, then Paimon would be the knight! Wait, would that work well? Perhaps Akemi should think this over more.

"So, uhh... Are you feeling better Akemi?"

Akemi's attention goes to Paimon, who floated beside her, a mixture of curiosity and worry in her eyes. In general, she was feeling much better than she had a few hours prior, so she was able to nod to the question.

"How do you keep disappearing and reappearing like that?" The mage suddenly inquires. With how Paimon does it with such a carefree attitude, she wondered if it was normal, or if she could even do it herself.

Paimon paused, taken aback by the question as she tries to think of an answer. "I... just do it?"

Akemi frowns. "Boring."

The child pouts, offended at the response given. So what it was just instinct? Akemi practically ran on instinct; it could almost be her personality! "Well- how do you just- turn into flames!?" Paimon retorted in annoyance.

To add fuel to the flame, Akemi shrugs and rolled her eyes. "I just do it. it's not that hard pie."

The hypocrisy was unbelievable to Paimon. 


Nodding, the mage confirms the word. "Short for Paimon!"

"I think it suits you very well, pie." Intervened Aether, putting the brush aside as he smugly looks at the angered fairy. He then looks to Akemi, who stared right back at him. "You know, Paimon also goes by 'Emergency Food', okay?"

At the mention of this, Akemi's eyes widened. "Paimon's edible!?! What's her kind called???"

"EXCUSE ME!? HOW... RUDE" Akemi watches in confusion as Paimon began throwing a tantrum over this situation. Perhaps it was because she doesn't want to talk about her kind being eaten. If that's the case, then Akemi will keep quiet about it.

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