Dragonspine and The Chalk Prince

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Dragonspine is a really dangerous place to be, that's for sure.

Made with a dragons backbone, the land was mysteriously cursed to continuously snow for many years without an explanation, many secrets being buried within it. People would explore this place, trying to solve what people could only hope to understand. But many would come to a blank.

Personally, a happy, energetic ball of sunshine like Akemi would avoid such a place, due to disliking such extreme cold weather.



I shivered slightly, tightening the cloak that I now used as a scarf. Looking at Aether and Paimon, it annoyed me at how unbothered they seemed but the fact that we're in a SNOWY HURRICANE! I mean, come on!

"Paimon! Please tell me you're also gonna die of Frost disease here." I sneezed while reaching to the nearest campfire. Aether's stare was practically digging into me.

"You know.. You could've stayed in the teapot, I wouldn't have mind." The blond assures me.

Oh right, I should probably mention this.

So just about a week ago, I realized I forgot to my cleaning materials for my weapon in Liyue. I specifically needed it from Liyue because Mondstadt doesn't do trade with Inazuma for that kinda stuff. It just so happens we ran into Madam Ping and she offered to give us a teapot we could live in! Awesome right?

So we when on a little lawyer journey with Yanfei, and I felt like Phoenix Wright from that one book called 'Ace Attorney' and the we finally had a teapot to call home!

It was great!

Back onto the subject on hand, I pouted in annoyance towards the male, offended by his suggestion. "No! I'd feel left out!" Judgmentally looking Aether up and down, I glare and him in disgust. "How can you be wearing your sick crop top right now? It gives me hypothermia  just looking at it!"

I proceeded to increase the fire given off by the campfire with my own vision, giving an even more warmer feeling then I felt last time. Paimon floated next to me enjoying the feeling, and eventually so did Aether.

Aether did sigh in disappointment though. "You know, in other worlds, most fire users are pretty immune to the cold."

He sits down opposite of me and I nuzzled into my cloak. "Like who?" I asked, curious.

The Blond thinks about about it for a moment before coming up with a few. "Well, in this one world world, I met a lady known as the 'Avatar'"

"The Avatar?" I repeated. It sounds kinda weird.

Aether nodded. "When me and Lumine first encountered her, she was in the middle of training where she was surviving in a frozen Iceland."

Paimon gasps in awe at Aether's story. "For that long? Wow, that must have been impressive."

Meanwhile I wasn't that impressed, and Aether could see that so I guess he switched stories.

"Another world world I've been in was a place where people could go into dungeons and capture Djinns. Using their power to have a chance at becoming a King." He explained.

This one piqued my interest more. "That it? Capture a dungeons and become king?" surely it's not that easy right?

The Traveller shakes his head in disagreement. "The dungeons there are insanely crazy! I remember the one I went into massive flying Hillichurls that would pick you up and fly away!"

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