Madam Ping

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3rd POV

"We've brought the perfumes Mr. Zhongli!" Paimon came to a pause when she looked at Akemi curiously. "Oh- what's wrong with Akemi?"

Aether looked behind Zhongli to see her viciously staring at the old man. The lower part of her face was covered by her cloak, but for some reason that made her scary expression more intimidating.

"You.. Ok?"

After hearing the story, Akemi wasunsure of what her next move should have been. It annoyed her how Zhongli decided to make a contract this huge, but it wasn'ther place to interfere.

For now, she stopped her silent attacks on Zhongli and reverted back to her usual act. "Yeah I'm fine! Sorry, the old geezer nearby killed me with a 2 hour lesson!"

After all, Akemi's going to make sure Aether talks to the Geo Archon no matter what contract he makes.

Paimon places a finger on her chin. "But we haven't been gone that long?"

The older female could only respond by shrugging her shoulders. "It felt like it..."

Zhongli who was silent up until now spoke up. "Well then, let us offer up the perfume."


"Here is the Golden House Maiden." Paimon said. Aether offered the perfume said to be suited for young girls. "This is the one Ms. Ying'er said is sweet and loved by younger ladies!"

The blond then turned to the girl in red. "You pretty much fit the description, do you like the smell Akemi?"

She shook her head no. "The smell is too strong it makes me hungry instead."

Next was the Valley Weaver. "This is the second kind. It's got an elegant smell, and the daughters of high society love it!" Exclaimed Paimon.

Akemi raised and eyebrow to this one. "It smells like dead grass combined with a fresh lake."

Aether sighed. "Strange description, but fine."

Last was the Fate's Yearning. "The 3rd kind has a gentle but lingering fragrance. Something something like the dusk mist and it's a favourite of mature ladies." Finished Paimon.

When offering the last one, the statue began to glow in response ofthe offering. "Oh.. What was that?" Asked Paimon.

Relieved, Aether replied. "Looks like Rex Lapis really liked that one."

The fire Hazard nodded in agreement. "Who wouldn't? The smell of mist is so nice~"

Paimon thought back to what the perfume lady, Ying'er, had told them. "That's the one that older ladies like, right?" Her eyes then widenedin disbelief. "Does that mean Rex Lapis is actually an older lady!?"

"Haha, Perhaps. Perhaps." Replied Zhingli with a gentle laugh. "Rex Lapis has taken countless of forms. Perhaps that really was one of them."

"Mhm! When I went to the Rite of Decendsion, Rex Lapis took the form of a beautiful teenage girl in a pretty dress!" Remembered the girl.

If she remembered correctly, it was when she was around the age of 11, when she first left Mondstadt for her own journey. Of course she'd eventually alway go back to to the City of Freedom after a while.

"What a shame, we only got to see the giant Dragon form, but..." Paimon shook out that thought. "Let's hope the Qixing can catch the killer."

Zhongli simply shrugged off Paimon's worries. "We can leave that too the authorities. Let us focus on the fond farewell for Rex Lapis."

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