Too Much to Process!

682 33 9

1st Pov

Jeez, this is so annoying.

One moment we're at the Rite, and now we're sneaking around the place trying to escape like some criminals!

Though, I can't say I'm not used to this..


"Flamebrains! Do you really have to do this again!?" Paimon exclaims.

I looked at her annoyed. "In fact, yes. I d have too!"

We continued to crawl out way around the guards, making sure too move when they weren't look or we'd definitely be done for. Let me tell you, me and Aether were doing perfectly fine, but Paimon stood out so much it was almost funny!

Anyways, we were making our way to the staircases, but there were too many of them. We looked over so see the surrounding the area leaving us with no option but to-


".....My bad..."

Aether and Paimon whipped their heads towards me in an instant and looked down to see a crushed leaf under my boots. A guard somehow heard it and shouted in our direction, this caused other guards to look our way too.

Aether was caught off guard. "Crap!"

"Why was that leaf so crunchy-" Aether pulled me out of our hiding spot along with Paimon and we forced our way through the guards. It wasn't long before they began to chase us.

We were about to make our way down they next group of stairs, but the soldiers appeared. They cornered us from the stairs above to.

I put my fists together, setting them on fire. "You wanna throw hands? Alright then! CLENCH YOUR TEE-"

"Hey girlie, hold still!"

Oh no....

The minute I heard that voice the feeling of dread entered through me.

I mentally begged that it wasn't who I thought it was, but the moment I saw those hydro infused arrows shot at the soldiers followed up by a ginger in the air, I thought to myself:

'Maybe we should've just let ourselves be interrogated..."

Childe landed infront of us and defeat all the soldiers in no time at all. The impressed look on Paimon's and Aether's face really pissed me off!

Another group of soldiers had seen what had happened and began chasing after us. Childe looked over to us, motioning to the stairs. "Come with me!"

Unfortunately, after some brief eye contact with eachother, went with him.


3rd POV

Paimon panted from exhaustion. How? Nobody had a clue.

"You fly. How is that tiring?" Asked Aether

The child nudged Aether. "So insensitive! You have no idea how hard flying around is!" She complains.

"Ah- Wait!" Paimon turned over to look at Childe curiously. "Just who are you exactly?"

He gives the trio a closed-eyed smile. "Call me Childe."

Akemi rolled my eyes, unconvinced. She knew very well that from her past meeting with him, today would be a busy and bad day. "Ok you dumb stupid bitch! Now what do you want hah!?" She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious of his intentions. After all, she believed people like Childe to be one of the worst types of people.

The girl felt someone slap her across the head. Judging by the amount of power behind it, it was definately Aether. "Akemi... Please don't say that to people who just helped us.." He pleaded.

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