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3rd POV

The air was unusually still when the trio returned to Watatsumi Island. There was a palpable sense of discord, as if everything was thrown out of balance.

When they spotted Kokomi, she was in a serious conversation with her general, Gorou. The two spoke in low tones, their expressions filled with concern."What happened?" Akemi asked. "They look so serious."

As the trio got closer, they could hear Kokomi and Gorou discussing the current situation on Watatsumi Island. Though they were speaking quietly, it was clear that the news was not good. Kokomi looked grim; her eyes darkened with worry. "Approximately, how many people are exhibiting these symptoms?"

"I haven't had the chance to do a full count yet..."

The trio approached the pair silently, each watching Kokomi and Gorou's serious conversation with worry.

Paimon broke the silence. "Kokomi, Gorou, what's going on?" She spoke. Her small voice, typically high pitched and playful, carried a heavy tone of concern in it now. The weight of the situation had become very apparent to the tiny flying companion.

"Recently, Aether, some people have been showing signs of accelerated aging," Gorou explained, recalling all recent events. "I called them in for questioning and found out that they've acquired weapons from our sponsor,"

Kokomi raised a hand to her chin, her eyes filled with unease. "So that's why the war was going unusually well. But risky weapons are not the answer, we have to put a stop to this immediately," she said, her tone determined.

Gorou nods, his expression still filled with concern. "Most of the officers refused to hand them over, but I still managed to get one," he said, reaching into his pocket.

Aether's eyes widen in shock, his concern deepening. "Oh dear..." He muttered, realizing the gravity of the situation.

In Gorou's hand was a small device resembling a vision. It glowed a soft red in his hands as he examined it closely.

Akemi suddenly remembers seeing that object before not long ago. That was what she had burnt up during the incident in the shed. It was the device that had caused the accelerated aging. Now that it was in the hands of Gorou and Kokomi, it could be studied to see how the accelerating aging could be reversed.

But now, knowing the properties of this object, Akemi felt herself come to a pause. Accelerated aging, her mind instantly wen to that man Teppei.

She was right, there's no way that all could've been in her head! Teppei was aging at an outstanding rate, all because of this powerful object.

At this rate... If nobody were to find him on time, what would happen too Teppei?

Gorou looks at Aether with intrigue, noticing his reaction to the device. "Aether, do you know something about this?"Aether nods, quickly responding with a serious expression. "It's a fatui delusion," he says, confirming that he's familiar with the device.

Without any further thought, Akemi grabs Aether's arm, putting a stop to the conversation. She drags him away, seeming intent on getting him away from the situation as quickly as possible.

"Akemi? What's going on!?" Aether exclaims as he matches her paste.

Akemi comes to a pause, scanning the area rapidly before running off again.
"Aether, Paimon we have to find Teppei! I think he had one too!"

In all honesty, Akemi thought that she was too late already. However, she didn't want Teppei to die alone and hidden away.


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