Play My Little Game

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Emptiness, darkness, isolation.

Akemi looked around, doubtful, confused and weary as she tried to search this gloomy domain.

It was odd. She was standing on seemingly nothing but an empty dark abyss. Everything around her, was a dark abyss.

"Where the hell am I..?" Akemi asked herself. It was safe to say that this was a phenomenon that she has yet to experience. So, whether this was a good or bad thing, she didn't know.

However, considering the events leading up to this, it all felt a little unnerving to the mage. Was Aether okay? What about Paimon? Sure, they could've handled the Samurai's easily, but with the embarrassing show Akemi put on, she must've thrown them into a panic after she passed out.

'What now?' Akemi thought. Surely, she wouldn't stay here forever, right? It wouldn't be long before Akemi should be able to do something or find some way to get out of there.

After what felt like forever, the wait finally ended as a ball of light appeared from practically nothing. Akemi take a moment to stare at this unknown ball of light. Clearly, whatever brought her here wanted her to touch it, but was that really the best idea?

Then again, there were no other ideas, so why not?

Akemi pushes up hand into the ball of light with no hesitation. It shone brighter, and brighter, until the pyro user was blinded by the light.


The early morning had a gentle glow over the wide fields, which extended in every direction. There wasn't a single cloud over the horizon or a speck of dirt on the ground. The sun shined a bright, warm light onto the scenery, and birds chirped in the distance as they flew overhead, signaling the start of a beautiful day. It almost seemed as if time had stopped, as nothing but beauty existed.

This was a picture of peace, of serenity.

Akemi looked around in absolute befuddlement, unsure of what to think of the change in scenery.
"That's not right... How did I...?" A look of sorrow grew on Akemi's face as she looked around at her surroundings. She knew this place all too well.

"I'm home..?" She looks around, searching for any evidence of what exactly was going on. The mountainous biome, the serene rivers, not to mention the ridiculously large tree in the distance, covered with ropes hanging from the branches. Akemi knew it all too well for her to be mistaken.


'That voice!' The mage quickly turns, only to be greeted with the view of a child. Not just any child, a girl no older than 5, with black hair, flaming red eyes, and wore such cute boyish clothing as she headed to her destination.

It was Akemi in the form of a child, running as fast as her little legs can carry her, the bright sun glinting off of her hair and flowing with every step she took. There wasn't a single worry on her mind, just joy.

Watching all of this, Akemi's lips pursed. Seeing as this must've clearly been some kind of magic spell that probably brought her to reminisce the past or send a message, she chose to indulge in it, and followed to watch what her little self was doing.

As the little child got near her father, Karazumei was leaning back on his tree and eating an apple while looking away from the fields. She ran straight up to him without hesitation, wanting every moment with him.

"Papa!" she cried out in glee, and he would look over to her as she stood there with a big grin, before setting his apple aside.

"What do you need, my little flame?" he asks, gently picking her up by the armpits and holding her high in the air, causing Akemi to let out loud cheers of happiness at the actions. "I swear, if you want me to take you flying again, I won't." He then hugs her tightly, as if holding her hostage.

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