Problems Rising

434 18 3

1st POV

'She's right there, I have to catch up this time!'

I rushed through the mountainous plains of Liyue, desperate as I made sharp turns around nearby ruins, hoping that maybe that mysterious figure would stay put for once.

It's happening again...

That mysterious figure every now and then could be seen, standing, blending into the crowds when I least expect it. Even worse, I thought it was bad when I saw fragments of it, but it's been following me for a while now, specifically about two months ago.

Oh, that's right. I still need answers about that.

But that doesn't matter now! I need to find out what that is and why is it so keen on doing this!

"Get back here!" I shouted, shooting down a branch on a large tree to block her path.

When it fell, it was clearly shocked. I thought that this time I'd be able to get her since I'm never usually this close them.

But of course, fate doesn't really appreciate me all that much.

It stops in it tracks completely now. Believing that I finally caught up to the person enveloped in shadows, I reached out an arm to grab her.

But once again, it disappeared.

I stood there, processing what had just happened.

"I lost it again..." I mumbled to myself, annoyed by this reoccurring outcome.

The trail ended here. The surrounding was dead silent with the occasional sound of the rustling of leaves and when I looked closely the was no trace of the thing ever existing. I mulled over the idea of there being any illusionary magic, it would be obvious.

Though I'm starting to think that... maybe I'm the one who's seeing things.


It's been a few hours since then. If I remembered correctly Zhongli told up to go to Dihua Marsh. In the distance, I saw Aether and Paimon with Zhongli having a conversation. "Hey, hey, hey guys! How's it going?" I shouted, gaining their attention.

Paimon claps her hand in glee, doing a little dance when sees me. "Oh! Akemi good timing!"

I nodded at Paimon in Acknowledgement "So, what are we doing now?" I asked them.

Aether ignored my question, staring at me almost pleadingly when he asked me something. "Say, how good it your singing?"

observing the situation, I looked at the unpicked glaze lily's then back at Aether. "I get it, you want me to sing to the flowers." I grinned as I folded my arms. "I object! Aether don't be such a wimp and sing!" I tell him.

He looked dejected. Paimon turned to Aether, pouting when she pulled on a lock of his hair. "You can do it Aether! How bad could your singing be!?"

Zhongli folds his arms. "We'll only know when he starts singing."

Me and Paimon both followed the old man's actions staring at Aether intensely. "Yeah! Start singing!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah!" I repeated.

In the end, Aether had no choice but to sing, it wasn't bad at all, just as I expected. He hummed the same tune as Barbara, and the flowers seemed to enjoy it too.

"See? You did just fine my dude!" I said in hopes to make him feel less embarrassed and more prideful.

Aether merely responded with a small laugh. "Ahaha..."

My smile however, faded when I felt a surge of elemental energy from underneath the ground. Ice shot up from underneath over to my direction, freezing my lower half.

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