They'll be Reunited...Right?

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"So after all that running around, we end up back here again.."

Akemi happily walks deeper into the ruins, taking her time exploring the ruins this time seeing as she'll probably destroy the place once she leaves it. "Tell me about it! We barely escaped last time, and now here we are again!"

The mage turns a corner and jumps down the staircase. Aether and Dainsleif follow her, with Paimon staying really close to Aether. "Gee, we must be some of the bravest adventurers in all of Tavyat! That or the stupidest..." She says as they then encounter the hallway full of bubbles that they went through earlier, except the floor was now gone.

"Definitely the bravest!" Akemi takes a running start before jumping of the ledge and converting herself into flames and pushing through any bubbles in her way before ruffly landing on the ground, "Oof"

Paimon looks at this happening and rolls he eyes. "You're a stupid one, that's for sure."

Aether smiled at the child's comment. "Be careful, she probably hears you."

"Yeah! I can hear you guys loud and clear ya know!" Shouted Akemi from the other side of the hallway. "Now hurry up and glide down! I shoot down the bubbles for you guys!"

Without any more commentary, the remaining three glide down safely, with Akemi watching out for them.

As Piamon flew at the mage's side, she now side eyed Akemi curiously. "What's the point of you having a wind glider if you can't even use them?" She asked.

The mage scoffed at the question. "What brought that up!? It's because I can!" She said, not wanting to admit her actual reason for keeping one.

Aether raises and eyebrow. "She has a wind glider?" 

Paimon nodded. "She hides it in a box under her bed!"

"Why were you snooping in my room?"

The three continue their journey, and soon they reach their destination.

"Looks like we're here" Says Dainsleif as he looks up at the statue.

They all stood before the upside-down statue and watched as abyssal energy continued to surge throughout the area. Akemi couldn't help but notice that the dead man was no longer there, which upset her seeing as she wanted to at least give the man a proper burial.

"Ohh.... such a scary place" Paimon couldn't help but hide behind Aether to secure her safety.

Akemi steps forward excitedly and determined. "Let me try and break it! I want to try!" She starts to briefly stretch as Aether looks over at her worried.

He decides to voice out his concerns. "Are you sure, you should even touch that? It feels like a bad idea." 

Akemi was about to assure him that nothing bad would happen, but Dainsleif spoke up first. "It'll be fine, nothing bad should happen." He says as he puts his arm out in front of the two.

Taking a deep breath in, the mage looks at her target, and a mischievous grin formed on her face as she turned on both her magic and the power from her vision. 

However, at the last second it spiraled out of control, and missed the statue by mere inches.

Everyone was confused. Not only did it miss, but the flames quickly burnt out as well, barely leaving a burn mark on the wall.

"Huh? What happened?" Asked Paimon as she stared at the smoke emitted from the attack.

"It missed? Or was it redirected?" Aether looks at the statue with interest as he saw this incident occur.

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