Akemi's Opinions

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Akemi's Opinion on every Mondstadt character and a few extra voice lines!


"If you ever see me jumping Venti, ignore that. It's normal. He really is a cool guy tho! His lyre playing skills are great and he really knows how to have fun! And one time, he even let me try wine! But Diluc snatched it before I could try..."


"'He NeVeR sMiLeS, He WaS bEtTeR aS a ChIlD' Oh yea? Well I like him just the way he is! Look, Diluc is a great person, or else he wouldn't have saved me the day we met. Heck, he even took me in, does that suprise you? I don't know why it should... Anyways, he like a dad to me! I can't wait for the next time the two of us go on another mission to ruin the Abyss mage's plans!"


"Jean is a great person! Always thinking of others before herself! And how does she do all of that paper work? If I were to be the Acting Grand Master (which will never happen) I would pull a Venti and simply run away!"


"Amber was the first person I met in Mondstadt and I don't want that to change. Ever since we've met we had so much fun! Even tho I get her into lots of trouble she's still willing to let me join her on jobs"


"A Menace to society. And a fatherless child with fatherless behaviour. Hm? What do you mean that isn't a valid answer!? Fine! There is one good thing about him, his eyepatch. It's cool."


"She's a great person! She sings, she dances, she cheers everybody up! But I find it really funny when she prays to Barbatos. Hehehe..."


"As a member of Benny's Adventure team, I will not allow this Bennett Slander to continue! Anyone who slanders him from now on will now suffer the consequences!  Who's with me!? Great!"


"Sometimes when I walk by her house I see her looking through the window so we make funny faces at eachother! She makes tasty drinks but I don't think I'm telling her about my friendship with Diluc anytime soon... Her dad sucks tho."


I counted that she promised she's get her vengeance on me about 53 times. To be honest, that's fair. We encounter eachother a lot outside of Mondstadts walls, but I'm glad that she's cool with me! Atleast, I think she's fine with being around me.. But y'know, do you ever get the feeling that there's a little something going on between her and Amber?


Don't tell her I said anything! I don't want anymore vengeance declarations!


I like reading so I take a few books from the library. But I have a hard time doing it. Anyways, she kinda creeps me out, she's strong, but lazy and then has a fear of pumpkins.
And another thing. Someone once told me she was a milf. I don't want to ever hear that word in my life again.


"Ah! I love Albedo so much! He works different from other people, it's so fascinating.


"She's really nice! Even though she's banned me from being near her when making potions, I'm completely fine with it! I should apologise for even deciding that it was a good idea to touch an uncompleted potion on a desk, hehe.."




"Ah yes a professional arsonist in the making. She's such an adorable child and she's so fun to play with! However, I find it humiliating when I loose to her in a serious fish blasting game... Hey, wanna see the Humpty Dumpty she made me? Look, look!


Fischl Von- yea I'm not gonna try with the title. However, we seem to mix pretty well! We don't talk to eachother a lot, but our conversations seem really nice! Huh? What do you mean by that? Of course I can understand her confusing words!


"I look at her and think, 'why isn't she in the knights of favonious? Why is she only a maid!?" Have you SEEN the things she can carry? Like seriously, you put some ugly pirate in the knights, but not a 15-16 year old girl that can carry 3 HEAVY CRATES TO THE OTHER SIDE OF MONDSTADT!? The knights of Favonious entrance exams are rigged! Complete bull crap!"


"Oh! That guy! I met him in the forest when I first arrived in Mondstadt! It was a very brief meeting, but let me tell you, it definitely made a bigger impact on me than I thought! However... I don't think he likes me. He's always distancing himself when we encounter.

Why? I think it's because I beat the crap out of one of the wolves in the forest, but I'm not sure. Maybe its... nah. Nevermind."


"She's fine."


"Are you asking this because of my friendship with Diluc? Well I'll have you know, you have every right to think that we hate eachother, cuz we do! Look, I'm not a very petty person, but when I see Donna ogling Diluc like that, I can't help but just run up to Diluc and have a nice chat with with him! Then I hold onto him as we walk to his destination and the LOOK on Donna's face is AMAZING!

HAHA! How does it feel to not have something you want Donna!? Couldn't be m- actually, yes it can. BUT STILL! BETCHA WISHED YOU HAD A DILUC!"


"A dragon! A cool dragon! But not as cool as the dragon I'm looking for!"

Reckless Pallad



"Still a no 💖"

When it rains

"Hey, what would you think would happen I just- converted into flames right now? It wouldn't kill me right? RIGHT?"

When thunder strikes

"Kaboom! Hey, do you know that I instantly cause an overload explosion when lightning hits me!? Oh! Oh! Watch this! HEY LIGHTNING! GET OVER HERE-"

On a clear day

"Clear day! You know what means!? Nothing. It means that it's a clear day. That's all!"

Windy day

"Mwahahaha! What an unlucky day for the people who dare face me on such a perfect day! Fear me and my all mighty forces of flame and wind combined as they pillage your homes and weep as they take away your precious children from your very ar- oh! Look at that over there!

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