Plan to leave Ritou!

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3rd POV

"Halt! This is the Kanjou commissioner's office. No trespassers!"

Akemi raises a brow to his statement. "We haven't trespassed yet! No need for your shallow assumptions."

Despite the clear indirect statement that implied Akemi would indeed trespass, the guard didn't say anything, nor did he budge from his spot. This urged the girl to try and walk pass him, which ended in an obvious failure when the man pushed her back with his spear.

"Worth a shot." Akemi sighs.

"We're here to see uh... y'know... um... the Kanjou commissioner!" Explains Paimon, with a glimpse of hope that maybe the guard would understand and let the three of them in.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Without missing a beat, the guard repeats the same thing he tells any other outlander who'd come to bother him. "The Kanjou commissioner seldom entertains outlanders."

During the Guard's speech, Akemi couldn't help but notice the old man who was briefly walking by. When he turns to commotion, he turns takes in Aether's appearance, then Paimon's, then Akemi's as his eyes widen in shock and recognition.

The pyro user happily waves over to him, and the man finally calls out to the guard.

"Ah... Wait, wait, wait..." He says, making his way to the guard at the gate. The guard in question turns to him in the surprise, not expecting the commissioner to appear while telling off some outlanders.

"Oh, Commissioner!" He bows in respect to the man.

"These two are honored guests from afar, no need to give them the usual spiel."

At that moment, Akemi couldn't help but get some odd feeling from this man. She places a hand on her chin, her gaze focused on the floor as she began collecting her thoughts.

'Honored guests, we can assume he's heard of us then... Judging by how his guards treated the Trade association earlier, it implies he either doesn't care or isn't aware... but his guards speak highly of him, so it's gotta be that first option. If that's the case, then he only probably wants Aether only for skillset, and will have no intention of helping...'

The mage could help but frown as the trio follows him to the front of his estate. "What a duplicitous, fake old man..."

"I am Hiiragi Shinsuke, Kanjou commissioner and head of the Hiiragi Clan. It's an honor to meet you three."

"I, too, am honored to meet you."

"Nice to meet you sir!"

Hiiragi then turns to Akemi, expecting a greeting from her. In response, Akemi musters up her most grateful smile, clasping her hands as she happily looks up to the old man. "Thanks a bunch for talking to us!" She exclaims.

'Bring it on you two-faced grandpa!' She thought, which brought a sense of irony to the table seeing as she was acting in a quite similar manner to him.

"So, the reason that we wanted to come and see you was because-"

Hiiragi chuckles, waving his hand dismissively at Paimon's rush. "Alright, alright, all-in good time. Three Travellers renowned far and wide have shown up to see me, and I would very much like to make their acquaintance! Let's not limit this to business only."

The compliments were enough to sway Paimon in an instant much to Akemi's displeasure. "Hee-hee... So what you're saying is that we're pretty famous, huh?"

'He's trying to sweet-talk us into cooperating with him, isn't he???' Akemi's smile twitches as she catches on to this man's plans. 'Sucks for him! I'm immune to 80% sweet-talking!'

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