Betting on Jade

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3rd Pov

On the streets of Liyue Harbour was a God in disguise, half a twin, a floating fairy and a girl raised by a dragon. It was a very strange combination indeed.

"Haha! Don't be silly! You like Mondstadt more, right?" Akemi insisted, she began to question Aether's silence.

Aether jokingly looks the other way. "I mean..."

The girl in red felt their eye twitch. "RIGHT???" She repeated.

Aether laughs, putting his hands up in surrender. "Ok hear me out."

"I will not be hearing anyone out!" Akemi whined. "You haven't even been here that long dude!"

Zhongli chuckled, very amused. "Rest assured, I do not mind what answer you give. But I suppose you have yet to experience substance of Liyue's 3,700 years of divinity."

'I'm pretty sure you're the only one who has completely.' The girl thought.

It wasn't long before Akemi began to drift off into who knows where inside of her imagination. She was still listening the the key points of the conversation but they found themselves irrelevant to her.

Paimon, who was next to Akemi seemed to be conflicted. "Huh... what would Childe get out of us doing the Rite of Parting anyway?" She thought aloud.

This was enough to pull Akemi out of her thoughts. "Something evil I know that much!" She asserted.

She was annoyed, unsure of what his intentions were, but she knew that it was definately going to be catastrophic. That much was known when Childe decided to bring in Aether and Paimon into this. He's trying to get on their good side, and it's working!

The elderly man sighed. "I neither know nor do I wish to know." He stated.

"But I do!"

"As far as I'm concerned, the Fatui are merely financial sponsors. I only wish for Liyue's traditions to endure." Zhongli reaches inside of his coat and pulls out a bag which Akemi assumed to be filled with mora.

"These are advance funds that Childe has provided. If you use them up, you can go to him to apply for any subsequent funding." Aether and Paimon graciously accept the mora, shaking at how much was in the bag.

"Suspicious!" Shouted Akemi in astonishment.

Zhongli smiled at their antics. "Well then, let us be off. The first step in our preparation shall be to obtain some prize Noctilucous Jade worthy of a deity."


"Welcome to the Jade Mystery, my good friends! Would you like to try you luck betting jade? This could be you lucky day! It's cheap and fun, and who knows, you might just strike it rich!"

Paimon waves her arms in a panic. "Betting? No we're here for... um, what was it again?" She turned to the other's hoping they'd have answers

"Noctilucous Jade, of radiant grade at the very least" Zhongli completed the task for the girl.

The man was surprised by the request. "Raidient grade Noctilucous Jade? I see, you're not a tourist. My apologies. I have some here for your personal.."

The man had left for a moment, taking the jade with him, then came back to replace them with higher quality jade that sparkled in the day. It was a blinding sight.
Akemi's stare unconsciously went to Zhongli when the man began unknowingly praising him for the Jade he presented to them.

"These three pieces really do look pretty, not like the ones usually dug up." Akemi sweatdropped, Paimon's acting as if she had went to the mines herself.

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