Meeting the Geo Archon!

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3rd POV

The meeting with Xiao had ended in a success. The trio made their way back to Liyue Harbor, where they had to report back to Childe.

Currently, they were walking up the stairs. Akemi was hunched back, leaning on the banisters. "Ughh... I may have high stamina, but stairs are something I'll never get used too!" She complained.

Despite floating, Paimon was also tired. "Whew... Paimon 100% agrees with you there!"

Aether rolled his eyes, continuing to walk up the stairs. Childe was leaning on a poll, in same location they had left him. Relieved, Aether waved over to Childe gaining his attention.

He waved back.

"Hey Childe!" He greeted.

Finally making it up the stairs, Akemi looked at the fatui in disgust. "Ew, it's Childe."

As usual, he ignored the girl's insults and focused on Aether. "You finally returned. How was your journey in Jeuyun Karst?" He asked.

Aether was happy to respond. "Well we-"

Akemi cut him off. "Do we really have to tell him this info?"

Aether deadpanned, putting a finger to his lips. "Shush."

"I agree, stay quiet would you?" Childe flicked the pyro user across the head harshly.

"Who told the dull eyed combusken to enter the convo?" She quickly turned to Aether. "Bro he just assulted me in the head! You gonna let that slide!?"

Aether pretended to have not seen a thing. He looked down at the view below, taking it in before he was dragged back into another argument. Paimon was also avoiding eye contact with them, whistling in the other direction.

Childe sweatdroped. "You have some dull eyes too y'know, you need to stop being forgetful."

"Well yea, but mine a pretty! My dad told me they resemble a brilliant flame!" Akemi continued to block Aether's view, giving my a good look at her eyes. "Don't you agree, Aether?"

"Uh.." The mentioned person held the girl's chin and lifted it up in oder to get a better view. "Yeah, they kinda do.."

Akemi backed up and happily smiled.


The Harbinger closed his eyes as he processed all the information.  "I see... Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer, Conqueror of Demons."
He grinned. "Some of these names have never come up in the intel the fatui gets a hold of."

"Good, keep it to yourself." Said Akemi.

Childe could only smile as a vain popped up on his forehead. "As a returning gift, I too have information for— not you" Childe quickly flipped off Akemi before turning to Aether. "For you."

Akemi, who was returning smile earlier now had a pissed expression. "You wanna fight!?"

Paimon tugged on the pyro users hair in a panic. "Calm down!"

"Regarding the archon's passing, the Liyue Qixing's response has given me food for thought."

"They've announced that, as the true killer has not been found, they are not allowing anyone to pay their respects to the Exuvia."

Akemi facepalmed. "Well now that's just plain dumb."

Childe nodded in agreement. "They've even gone as far as to cut off any information, but with the Rite of Decendsion and all, even the Qixing couldn't keep a lid on things."

"Exuvia?" Paimon questioned.

"It's-" The Harbinger was cut off by the menace.

"That's right Paimon! It's common knowledge that Mor- Rex Lapis is an Adeptus." She says, pointing a finger upwards.

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