Negotiations Are Easy!

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So before you read this, just know that I originally had an Idea which had included the next few chapters having Aether swapped with lumine and doing this really complicated idea I had.

But thennnn I decided I didn't like it so I scrapped it, so then I just felt like writing with Lumine there instead of Aether for a while.

This will only be for about 3 chapters and I was just doing it for fun ok?

That's all!

3rd Pov

"Zhongli... I know what you're gonna say next, so please, don't even ask."

Retrieving the Cleansing Bell was a success. Now, only the minor necessities were needed. This included going into Liyue Harbor and buying the kites that have been pre ordered. After a Kumbaya moment with one another, the payment was finally brought up.

Sighing, Akemi reached into one of her deep pockets and pulled out a large bag of mora, shocking the others.

Paimon was the most stunned. "Wait- where did you get so much mora from!?" She asked.

The pyro user merely shrugged. "Diluc."

The child proceeded to stare wide-eyed. "All of this from Master Diluc!?"

Lumine placed on her cheek in awe. "Aw, that's so sweet!"

"Diluc's my guardian, of course he'd give me mora!" After rolling her eyes, Akemi's smug smirk spread across her face. "Also- I'm totally his favourite!"

Lumine simply smiled as she nodded in accord. "I can definitely see that."

Akemi was ready to make the payment when a bag of mora was placed on the table just in time.

Childe was there.

He said, "Well, allow me," as one of his arms was now on Akemi's head, pressing hard especially on the military-style headgear she was wearing.

Akemi looked back at him with a dead and tired look in her eyes. "How about you allow me to smash your head against the wall?"

Chlde denied the 'offer'. "Oh but that wouldn't be very good for me now would it?"

Akemi tucked her bag of mora back in her pockets to stay hidden out of frustration. "That's the whole point believe it or not."

Paimon gasped when she realised who Akemi was threatening. "Hey! It's Childe!"

"Looks like we've been ambushed." Said Lumine

Childe waved his hand around in denial. "Haha.. no way. I was just passing through!" 

"Ok then lea-"

"I see Mr. Zhongli is still the same as ever. When paying, well— he gets others to pay for him. He neither looks at the price tag nor his wallet." Pointed out the fatui.

Akemi directed her attention to he hair, rubbing it in between her gloved fingers. "Yeah. To the old man, poverty is just a concept, and he can't imagine himself lacking any money."

"How has he not starved yet!?" Asked an astonished Paimon.

"By being a freeloader." Accused the mage.

"Pretty mu-"

"Don't agree with me."

"Akemi, Childe, you are as fond of jokes as ever. Well then, since we've purchased our kites without incident, there's no need to take a break before moving to the next step in our preparations." Uttered the Geo Archon.

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