Narukami Island

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Holy crap I was sick for nearly a week, and I felt like it was hell on earth. It's always when my holidays start too... 😐


During this illness I had a really funny hallucination!

I was sick and burning alive on my bed, when I had somehow imagined Akemi opening my door and flopping  right ontop of me, trapping me under all of my blankets and pillows and stuffed toys.
I was telling her to get off me cuz at that point I felt like I was being cooked alive but all she did was lean into my ear and whisper:

"Where is Karazumei... 🤨"

And this turned into a quiet dispute where I kept saying "I don't know ☹️" when I clearly did know because I write this mf's story, and Akemi wasn't buying my bs and seemingly warmed up the temperature in my room and I felt myself getting worse.

I don't know why I didn't just lift the blanket of me honestly, I think I possibly did but I don't remember.

This hallucination continued for another 3-5 minutes before I snapped out of it.
Smh I should've just told her to get over with it quicker. 😒

3rd POV

"Hold on please... These goods are being sent to... Watatsumi Island, right?"

The guards turn around, shocked to find the daughter of the Hiiragi Clan, Chisato Hiiragi, standing before them late at night along with three other people behind her.

"My Lady! This is an unexpected honour!"

The trio watched as the woman conversed with the men, convincing them that her father ordered her along with Aether and Akemi to ensure the safety of the goods. The guards look over to each other, concern plastered on their faces.

If judgmental was a person right now, it would be these guards. One of the guards looked the two fighters up and down and was extremely underwhelmed and concerned for Hiiragi. "My lady, you aren't suggesting that you intend to escort the shipment personally, are you?"

Aether sighs a sigh filled with disappointment as he stared back at the soldier with narrowed eyes. "You dare question my abilities?"

On the other hand, Akemi claps her had with delight as she smiled at the weaker people. "Nice to work with ya!"

"Please do not cause us any further delay." Hiiragi scolds the guards, warning them of the consequences of late shipment.

"Yes. Of course, my lady," said the other guard. Yet he couldn't help but open his mouth once again at the thought of these random people helping them escorting the goods to the next island. "I-Its's just that... Well, we don't know who this-" 

Lady Hiiragi cuts him off without a second thought. She planned on pressuring them into obliging to her commands. "Now, need I remind you of the penalty of anything were to happen to me on route? I'm sure you're all familiar with my father's temperament. Do you REALLY think you can guarantee my safety on your own???"

Chisato delivers her warning with confidence, prompting a whistle from Akemi. "Damn she's good at this.." The latter remarks in admiration.

"They don't stand a chance..." Agreed Paimon, just as impressed.

Finally, the guards are convinced to accept the trio's help in escorting the supplies, though it was clear that Shinnojou was not fully on board with the idea.

Even when being told to deal with it, he couldn't help but sigh. "But that's not the problem here..." He replied stubbornly, glancing at the trio who talked amongst themselves. "Is it really fine to just let these newbies help us fight?"

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