Darknight Hero 3

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1st POV

Sooooo after all that, we've come to the conclusion that me Aether and Paimon will keep tabs on the darknight hero, while Diluc does important Diluc stuff!

"Yes master Diluc sir! Anything you say, master Diluc sir!" Paimon said in an obedient voice.

I frowned. "Heyyyyy no need be like that!"

Diluc was confused. "Why are you acting to strange all of the sudden?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

Paimon raised her finger to make a point. "In light of what just went down here a moment ago.." She began. "Master Diluc has officially reached No. 1 on Paimon's 'People not to mess with' list.

The poor man had only sighed in dissapointment.

"So...." I snuck closer to Paimon. "Where am I~"

Paimon's expression turned even worse. "You're not any better! No. 3 for you!"

I pouted, folding my arms in dissapointment. "Why am I only number three..."





"Lately, master Diluc has been working the bar at the angel share every single night." He placed a hand of Huffman's shoulder in reassurance. "All I need you to do, is keep him in your sight. Think you can manage that for me?"

"Yes captain Kaeya... But. Does that mean that." Huffman went silent for a while. "Master Diluc is the Darknight hero?"

I mentally began to freak out.


"Who knows?"


Kaeya shrugs. "It's just a hunch. I've been known to be wrong on occasions."

And with that, they both walked away, leaving us as they begin their plan.

Annoyed, I kicked a rock into the Knights of Favonious building. "But you're always right when i don't want you to beeeee!" I cried out the moment they were out of our sight.

We started to make our way back to the dawn winery to tell Diluc the news.

"Wow, Paimon feels like we saw a whole new side of the knights of favonious today"

Aether nods in agreement. "It's normal for things like that to happen, don't worry about it." Aether pats Paimon on the head.

"But.. Paimon doesn't understand. How is Kaeya so sure he knows who the darknight hero is?" The girl turns to me, probably hoping for an answer.

"It's Kaeya, you should expect it."

Aether sighs. "That's fair I think.."


3rd POV

The trio entered The dawn winery. Seeing Diluc standing there, Akemi ran over and jumped onto his torso

Hugging him tightly, she began complaining. "Diluuuuuuuuuc! Kaeya's being Annoying again!" She whined.

"I'm aware." Replied Diluc, placing a hand on Akemi's head.

Paimon stared at the two with dotted eyes. "Can she do that?" She asked Aether, who watch as Diluc tried to gently pry her off himself.

In response, Aether akwardly laughed. "I mean.. she's already doing it so I guess so.." He confirms.

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