Friendship level

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Holy crap I wrote a lot for this-
You're welcome, Ig 😃


Friendship level 1



3rd Pov

Amber and Akemi were helping around with the duties in Springvale, as per requested of Kaeya. Unloading crates into a cart, they were nearly finished as Akemi ended her rambles of unreasonable tales. "So that's why I don't think carrots will give you night vision!"

Amber nodded, agreeing with the girl as she loaded another crate into the cart. "That may be true, but keep in mind they're good for you, ok? They make you super strong!"

Akemi placed her hands on her hips, disappointed and skeptical of the Outrider. "How do I know that last part's not a lie either??" She pointed out.

The brunette came to a halt as she tried to come up with and excuse. "Well- uhhhh.."

"So you're trying to trick me too!" Accused Akemi.

The girl in question sweat dropped. "Yeah... sorry!"


"Haha! Well, aren't you a lively duo? And quick to get the job done too!" Uttered a voice from the rear of the pair.

Amber jumps in shock, turning around swiftly to see one of the residences who lived here. "Ah! Sorry I didn't see you there!"

Examining the man, Akemi noticed the cat ears on his head, not because she's never seen something like this before, but because the annoyingly did not match the color of his hair.

The child raised an eyebrow the man in front of them. "Who is he again?" She asks, tugging on Amber's uniform.

"That's Draff, the one who requested the extra help around here." Introduced the Outrider.

"Oh." Akemi shuffled behind Amber. "I don't like him, he smells." She commented, referring to the smell of alcohol that consumed her senses.

Amber laughs off the girls' comment and turned back to the man, hoping he didn't hear what she said. "Is there anything else you need before we leave?"

"Nothing much now, just need to escort the cart to Mondstadt and we're done here for today." Spoke Draff

"Right! What's in them anyways?" Asked Amber.

"They're trade supplies sent from the other nations," Embarrassed, Draff began to scratch the back if his head as he was the reason they weren't delivered yet. "They're a little late so we need to get them their soon."

Akemi, who was trying to get a good idea of what was in the boxes, tried to get a closer look at them. Though that goal was instantly put on hold when she noticed a bright red box amongst the plain brown ones. Akemi blankly stares at the red box; it definitely piqued her interest. 

She calls out to her friend Amber, pointing to the object. "That box is definitely standing out." 

Looking at it, Amber tilts her head in confusion. "You're right! What's with that one?" She inquires with Draff.

"Ah, so you noticed." The man folded his arms in pride. "That one is from the adventurer Alice."

The look on Amber's face told Akemi that she should've have been amazed, outstanding by the fact that someone like Alice would send a package here.

But Akemi had no idea who that was.

"Who's Alice?" She requested.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO ALICE IS?" Shouted Amber in pure shock. "She's a famous adventurer who authored the Tevyat's travel guide! It's not often there's someone who doesn't know about her!" She turns over to Draff, face filled with determination as she spoke. "Don't worry! I'll make sure it's delivered as soon as possible!"

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