Finding Akemi

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3rd POV

"Waah! Stay back, back I say!!!"

Akemi wasn't sure how she got into this situation.
Then again, she didn't know how she ended up in this place either.

Akemi was walking through the woods after finally escaping the hold of her captors. Unfortunately for her, she suddenly found herself surrounded by a group of bandits instead.

They demanded her cloak, but Akemi refused to give in to them. Because of this, the bandit lunged forward, grasping for Akemi's cloak.

Akemi quickly reacted, pulling her cloak back. She was not going to let the bandits take away the only thing that she had left in this world when she's been dislocated from her home with Karazumei.

The bandit growled, trying once again to grab the item, sensing it was something of great value. The girl could only whimper when she watched the other bandits around her begin to surround her.

Akemi could tell they were preparing to attack, and she knew she had to think quickly.

The thief shouted in a furious voice as he struggled against the child.
"I said give me your cloak!" The thief struggled to pull it away from the child.

Much to the man's dismay, this teenager was freakishly strong for her age, and no matter how hard he tried, he was unable pull the item out of her grasp. "Nooo! It's mine, you lousy bum demon!" She cried out, kicking the man in the shin causing him to let go of it.

He groans in pain as he caresses his shin, and glares with disdain at the girl. "Why you-"

"Hmph!" Akemi then pushes him to the ground.

To say it was a shameful sight for the other treasure hoarders was an understatement, watching their leader getting pushed around by a child. There were a few whispers, with some of them wondering if they should replace this sad excuse for a leader.

"Gah!" Clenching his fists, the leader growled as he stood up enraged. "You little- come here!" He gives the order for his men to capture her, and soon enough, the chase began.

Akemi was running as fast as she could, her breath becoming heavy and fast. She thought she heard the men still chasing her, shouting things like "get her!" and "catch her!" She was terrified and could not stop running.

Akemi saw a tall tree in front of her, without thinking she quickly climbed up it. Looking from the top of the tree, she saw that all the men were gathered around the base of the tree. There was no way to get away now. She was terrified, but she didn't give up. She was determined to stay hidden and avoid the men below.

Akemi's heart suddenly dropped when she realized that her hiding spot had failed her. The men looked up at the tree, and one of them shouted, "Come down now, little brat! You are in trouble!"

She froze in place, afraid to make any moves, as the men continued to stare at her from below. She wanted to climb even higher, but she didn't know where else to go.

The man continued to shout at Akemi from below. "Listen up kid. You better come down, or else!" He threatened her.

She felt her heart flutter in her chest. Akemi didn't want to come down, but she also didn't want to face the consequences of her actions. The girl was stuck in a deadly predicament.

Akemi let out a burst of anger, shouting at the men below her, "Oh yeah? You can't climb up here, boys! I'm way up high and there's no way you can reach me morons!" She didn't care about the potentially severe repercussions of her actions, just letting out all her anger in the heat of the moment.
" stink!" She yelled, throwing in a final insult.

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