We Will Be Reunited III

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Here we are, back in Mondstadt and standing in front of the nice old Cathedral.

Now the reason for us being here? I don't really get it but after reading off some talisman we then went onto the conversation about the first Field Tiller, also known as a ruin guard.

The idea that we came up with is that the First Field Tiller was sheltering a REALLY powerful thing, so they want to use it to make a robo God!

They better let me throw hands with it first! Or even better, I call dibs on controlling the thing! It'll be awesome!

....But it's a very bad thing, so I totally won't support it...

Oh right, we're here because the church might have some answers for us!

So I was really hoping we could do this without any unnecessary slandering, but nOoOoOoo here is stupid Dainsleif going on about his negative views on the archons again for the 723rd time.

I struggled to hold in a groan of agony just listening to the guy! "Alriiigght we get it! You're an Atheist, now shut up!"

"Yeah! And we're about to enter the Cathedral!" Said Paimon in a scolding tone. "Don't say anything bad about the Anemo Archon."

"Paimon please, you're practically asking him to shave off his hair with the task you gave him." I tell her.

The moment Dainsleif goes into that place, I'm telling you all hell is gonna break loose, and I will hear a screaming Barbara from miles away!
Well, it's not like I'm going into the Cathedral, so I'll wait and see for the results Paimon gives me on what happens inside.

"I never said I was going in. I'll leave you three to mingle with the sisters."

I gave him a blank stare. '...Of course you aren't.'

Aether was caught off guard by this and was a little unsure. "But we've done everything else together." He reasons.

He gives the lame excuse that Aether is popular here, so it'll be easier if he went alone since Dainsleif himself looks so suspicious. Then he pretty much explains that he has no filter with his beliefs and that the nuns would get angry at him for dissing Lord Barbatos.

Even I can hold my tongue better than him, and that seriously says something man...

"That's enough about that. While we continue to chit-chat the Abyss order continue to act."

Aether and Paimon were fine with this and were about to head off. "Ok then we'll just go in ourselves and ask around."

I nod in approval. "Alright you two, good luck!"

They both pause, looking at me disappointed. "Huh? You're not coming with us?"

Well- I'm flattered that you're so sad about me not going with you, but please don't look at me like that I'll get a little shy!

"Nuh-uh, I want to store up on a few stuffs before we head off, so I'll do that now!" I explained to them.

That was a lie, I already did all of that on our way here when they weren't looking.

It's not like I'd tell them that though!

A pat Aether's shoulder as a way of saying good luck. "Side note: you know what the Cathedral is like, so no talk about the creepy defiled statue ok?"

"Correct." Don't agree with me stupid Dain- "With their interference, it would ruin any element of surprise we may have."

I chuckled a little before shrugging. "Not like you have any, you're so expected that they practically wait for your appearance."

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