The Next Step!

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This chapter is a little too short.
Don't worry though! The next part will literally be posted in 5 minutes so you can read these two together!


3rd POV

Akemi sat down feeling drowsy as evryone began to talk.

'How the hell are they not tired...' She thought as she rested her face on the table closing her eyes, using her hat as a shield to block out light.

"The pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood.. And the strings still feel cool to the touch. Oh the memories.." Said venti as he ran his hand through the lyre.

"What do you think Venti, can you summon Dvalin?" Asked Jean.

"Hmm... Although this lyre is the real thing, I doupt that it's going to work. As you can see, the lyre has gone through a thousand years of work. It's anemo powers have run dry.." Venti concluded.

"Heh. In that condition, I bet you couldn't even play music fit for Diluc tavern." Akemi pointed out.

"Bards fight to get on the stage of my tavern, don't make assumptions." Warned the tavern owner.

Paimon stared at Diluc in disappointment  "Is that really important right now mister Diluc?" She then turns to Venti. "And you-- did you just borrow the holy lyre to play music for the Drunkards to hear!?"

"Ehe." The bard laughed.

The fairy grew irritated. "EHE, TE NANDAYO!?" She shouted.

Akemi snorted. 'Did Paimon just switch languages out of anger?'

"Anyway, we wont be able to call Dvalin with it" Venti says. "The lyre itself is fine, but the strings-"

"Probably sound like a person scratching a chalk board." Said a muffled voice that came from the black haired girl.

He stared at the girl, not really suprised by her comment. "Stop slandering the lyre Akemi."

"Then stop giving me the opportunity to do that." The sass in Akemi's voice was clear as she lifted her face from the table. "So what's the next step?"

Rolling his eyes, Venti turned to Aether. "You're up outlander!"

"I don't know how to fix instruments." The traveler bluntly replied.

"Relax it's not broken. It's just the intensity of it's Anemo power has greatly diminished." "Do you still have Dvalin's tear drop crystal with you?"

"Let me give it a try" Said Aether as he grabbed the holy lyre and took out the crystal.

Akemi who was watching puffed out her cheeks 'Oh so I can't touch the lyre but he can? Tch!'

She then paused for a moment, staring at the tear drop crystal in Aether's hands.

'Have I seen one of those before?' She asked herself with curiosity.

A bright blue glow illuminated the room as the crystal and lyre merged together purifying the strings. It radiated a holy amount of energy from it.

"It worked! As expected." Said Venti.

Jean stared at the holy lyre, memorized by it. "Such a youthful glow"

"Praising yourself? Really." Paimon deadpanned.

"I was talking about the holy lyre." Said Jean

Akemi whistled "Well that looked pretty huh?" She thinks aloud.

"Thanks to Aether having purified the crystal, the holy lyre won't continue to lose power." Venti happily explained.

"Then how did it loose power in the first place!?" The black haired girl asked.

Ignoring her comment, Venti spoke up
"The lyre is far from being replenished, It be great if we could get more tears."

"Definitely not for that poor dragon." The pyro user muttered, not wanting to sound rude.

Standing up, she made her way over the the group circle. She smiled. "So what's our next step oh all knowing bard that people don't even question?" She said giving a mock salute.

'Help me get this damn vibe up Venti you're making it too depressing for me!'

Venti thought for a moment before saying, "I can imagine that Dvalin will already be crying.."

Akemi could feel her smile falter about by the depressing atmosphere. 'THIS ISNT HELPING YOU DAMN BARD!'

"Suffering alone in some deserted place..."

'I swear to Vent- the Anemo Archon I would strangle you if it weren't for how tired I am, how depressing the aura in here is, and the lack of food!' The girl thought as the smile she once had turned into an irritated face.

The room went silent as the energy in the room dampers even more. Dispite some poeple not showing it they all felt bad for Dvalin and all wished to help him.

Akemi raised her hand up in the air, bringing everyones attention to her.

"I'm very uncomfortable with the energy we created in the tavern today." She stated.

"Jeez! Can you not read the moo-" Akemi cut off Paimon.

"Look, I get it. Dvalin is in pain and blah blah blah right? So are we gonna stand here like we he isn't or are we actually gonna do something?" She rhetorically asked.

Jean was the first to speak up with authority. "Our Honorary knight can't possibly do this alone. I will mobilize the knight of favonious to assist."

"Leave it to me." The traveller said with a determined look.

She turned towards Aether. "Once you get the tear drop crystal, make sure to preform the purification process."

Venti looked around in delight seeing everyone working together "Hero's supporting eachother and going on an adventure, how exciting!" He cheered.

"Yea! We got the traveller, the annoying bard, the bruting pyro user, the scary grand master, the edible looking fairy, and me! The.."

"The walking fire hazard." Diluc answered.

"The pyro manic." Venti added on.

Akemi was suddeny in the corner with a gloomy aura surrounding her.

"Well fine, be like that." She sulked.

Everyone stared at her before Venti brought their attention back. "I must come up with a song for such hero's!"

"Is that all you're going to do? Just sing?"

Venti gave Paimon a dead smile. "Hmm.. wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't now would I?" He asked cheekily

"Hmph, you're so cheeky... You deserve an ugly nickname."

It didn't take long for Paimon to think of a nickname fitting for the bard, her face brightens when she find the perfect name.

"Oh~ Paimon knows. From now on, you'll be know as Tone Deaf Bard!"

Suddenly, Akemi appeared from behind Venti. "Hahaha! What a dumb nickname you got there! Tone Deaf Bard, sounds fitting for someone as annoying as you!" She laughed.

"Don't think you're getting away!" Paimon shouted.

"Eh?" Akemi stared with dot eyes.

Paimon crossed her arms. "You're now known as Flamebrain!"

A lightning struck behind her as the poor girl was confused.

"Ehhhhhh!? What did I do to you?" She complained.

"Don't think Paimon missed what you said. I AM NOT FOOD!" She complained.



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