Dragonspine and The Chalk Prince 2

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After a long conversation, Albedo, Aether, Akemi and Paimon all went up to Albedo's campsite once they'd completed a few errands.

The potions with mysterious liquids had already caught the pyro user's attention, and had her rushing towards them in an instant, not noticing Timeaus, who stared at her in shock.

"Please don't touch that."

Albedo grabbed Akemi's wrist and ushered her over to a bunch of crates to sit on crates, even personally placing her on top of them just to feel a sense of security.

Akemi deadpanned but nevertheless obliged seeing as she had already been scolded by the Alchemist earlier after the hillichurl induction. She watched as the group of 4 conversed between each other, coming up with theories to suit their explanations.

Then she watched as Aether was made to drink a potion, which thankfully didn't react negatively to him, so he wasn't throwing up. But the things they said after that were so boring that she decided to lay down on the boxes and stare up at the ceiling.

It was only 10 minutes later when Paimon pushed Akemi of the box had she realized that Albedo had left on a small trip leaving them to snoop around. And it didn't take long before they started arguing.

Akemi dusts off the snow on her clothes and turns to Paimon annoyed. "I don't understand why you gotta be so violent!" she claimed.

Paimon stared at her baffled. The fact that she was called violent by the violent pyro user gave a sense of irony. "I'm violent!? Take a look at yourself; you're a brute!"

The girl rolled her eyes. "It's a necessary attribute!"


After a while, Albedo came back and begun conducting the experiment with Aether.

Watching Albedo and Aether mess around and calling them experiments were boring to for Akemi to say the least. So far, she's watched them try to break a pillar, cook, and now they were playing hide and seek with a bunch of potions.

'How boring..'

It felt like forever until Albedo decided to take his next course of action, but what offended Akemi at this point was that they started to walk off without even thinking about asked her to join them.

In almost an instant she was pulling back on Albedo's coat, putting him to a halt as the other two stopped int confusion. "WAIT- wait wait wait wait wait wait! I wanna go too don't just leave me here!"

Paimon and Aether raised an eyebrow at the girl's haste, unsure of the problem here. "Akemi.. we just assumed you'd come along without asking?" Said Paimon.

Akemi shook my head in disagreement and aimed an accusing finger at Albedo. "I'm not talking about you two, Albedo was trying to keep me here!" She stated.

Aether and Paimon saw this as a slightly bold accusation, but Akemi thought otherwise seeing as she indeed has encountered him before, and is aware she is a menace to his experiments.
But she still wanted to go

"Are you sure about tha-" Albedo cuts off Aether.

"No, Akemi has a point, I was trying to get her to stay. I was nervous about her interference." He spoke in a straightforward tone.


"Not for the reason you think however." He grabbed Akemi's hand that had a grip on him and removed it. "This test will require a large amount of gliding."


Despite obvious contradiction, Akemi was still being a moron, forgetting she is unable to glide.

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