My Prologue Ends.

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"Your highness... We are ready for our next course of action..."


"Your highness, is something wrong."

"I was just thinking."

"Right... By the way, you do recognize who that girl was, no?"

"Hm, I'm aware. I was too focused on the situation though."

"Should we continue-"

"It's too late for that now... If only they didn't get to her, maybe she'd be on our side..."


A little girl was happily skipping through the forest, calling out for her father. She was having fun in the great outdoors and was excited to show him the new flowers she had discovered by the river.

"Karazumei! Where are you? I need to show you something!" She calls out, excitingly clutching the flowers.

She searched for him for a while but eventually stopped in frustration. Despite her efforts, she was unable to locate him. It was inconvenient for her not to have him around. She considered the possibility that he had gone on another quick errand, and decided to head back home and wait there.

As she was making her way back through the forest, a low and mysterious voice suddenly echoed through the trees. Its source was unknown, but the sound was unmistakable and eerie.

"There you are..."

Akemi felt tense as she noticed a figure in the distance. At first, she assumed it was her father and started walking towards him. However, as she got closer, she realized it wasn't him and paused once again.

The man before her was unfamiliar, yet there was a nagging feeling that she had seen him before. However, if it was true, then something was off. Her father had been responsible for his death, so why was he standing in front of her now? The question of his identity lingered in her mind, and she couldn't shake off the unease that came with it.

The man was tall and lean, with a hooded cloak obscuring most of his face and a yellow aura radiating off him. Akemi's heart couldn't help but race with fear as many questions run through the 7-year-old's mind.

"W-why are you... How... did you do that!?" She spoke, her voice shaking as she backs away from him.

His laughter echoed through the forest, and then everything went dark.


"...What a weird dream..."

My head throbbed with an intense pain as I slowly regained consciousness. Underneath me I could feel myself sinking into a soft bed.

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a dull light, which I was thankful for seeing as waking up to a bright light is always an agonizing process. Not to mention the warm brown color that greeted my view.

Ah yes, it's been a while since I've been in the Bubu Pharmacy as a patient! 

"And what kind of dream was it?" Said a voice to my left which was very recognisable.

I thought about his question for a moment, going over it and trying to remember what specific say that was or if anything important happened, but nothing came to mind.

Either way, I couldn't be bothered to explain the dream, so I just went with alternative. "I forgot."

I didn't even need to look to see that it was Baizhu. He was probably sitting down at the desk, writing down some random documents that I couldn't be bothered to understand.

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