To Make a Choice.

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3rd POV

Paimon seemed concerned, asking a question aloud that seemed to be weighing heavily on her mind.

"Akemi's having Hallucinations?" she asks, looking around for confirmation.

Aether and Paimon stood before Tubby, who explains some concerning things that have occurred recently involving their friend, Akemi.

"I found it quiet odd," Tubby begins, "She was walking around the house the other day, but then I heard voices!" Her face grew nervous as she recalled the event. "But when I went to check, Akemi was just talking to no one..."

Aether sighed, with a worried look on his face. "This matches up with what Venti told us..."

Paimon seemed confused, questioning Aether with a befuddled expression. "Huh? Wait, it does!?"

Aether held up a finger to his lips, reminding Paimon of Akemi's good hearing. He clearly having a plan cooking up in his mind.

"I'll tell you later, Paimon," he says, looking around, "for now, I want you to pretend like this never happened until we can figure out a way that we can approach Akemi about this." Aether explains.
Akemi gets defensive easily, so he didn't want something to go wrong if the mage were to get that way.

Paimon gasp as a spark of realization goes off in her head, causing her to nod in understanding. "Right! Because the way she was acting a few days ago, right?"

Aether seems to be coming up with theories in his mind, using the information he has to come up with a possible answer.

'That day will haunt me forever, but I deserve it.'

He repeats the phrase, hoping to figure something out.

'Akemi often has a habit of staring off. It was always-'

Aether snaps his fingers as he realizes something. '-that day before we left for the Jade chamber, Akemi seemed distracted back then and left in a hurry... When else has she done that?'

Aether is in the middle of coming to some conclusions, but he doesn't have enough information just yet.

Meanwhile, Paimon and Tubby look on as he mumbles to himself, wondering where he is going with his thoughts.

"Could it be Akemi is..." Aether begins his sentence before being interrupted by Paimon and Tubby.

"What? Akemi is what?" They ask, wanting to hear the rest of his sentence. Tubby is hesitant to interfere with this, but if Aether was going to say something, he may as well finish it, no?

Aether sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. "Nothing, it would be rude to make too many assumptions without asking first.

"All that build-up for nothing!?" Paimon complains.


1st POV

"MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I feel so much better today!"

The next morning, I burst out of my room with a newfound confidence, and energetic as ever! It's such a pain knowing about all the action I was missing out on these past few days. I felt like it put a damp in my mood at times, but now I am 99.9% better, so I'll take this opportunity to leave the teapot!
"Come on Aether hurry up! Up! I wanna leave this place and meet with Ayaka and Thoma!"

"Flamebrains, put a sock in it!" I heard Paimon shout from upstairs, probably in distaste of my wake-up call to everyone.

"No, you!" I shout in response. My eyes brightened up in excitement when Aether walked by, and I hopped over to him, my voice cheerful and excited, "Aether! Let me braid your hair today!"

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