The truth of Cocogoat...

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Last part with Lumine then I'm going back to Aether.
Sorry I was gone for 3 weeks 😅


1st POV

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know what to do.

I hate this feeling. My mind was filled with profanities that I wanted to scream and shout out, I wanted to say something.

I needed to say something.

"Stop it! You're doing it all wrong!" I shouted in the moment.

This man is gonna murder this thing!

Zhongli glanced at me confused before I pushed him away and took out all of the progress he made.

Paimon looked at me taken aback by this. "Hey! To Paimon it looked like he was doing just fine!"

I shook my head furiously and began repairing the Guizhong Ballista myself. "Nuh-uh! It looked like he was trying to kill us all!!" I complained as I examined one of the weapon pieces and put it in a different location to where Zhongli had put it.

Zhongli stared at slightly offended I continued as if I didn't notice what he's trying to say. I pouted to myself. "Stick to your History lesson's Zhongli, I'll stick to the weapons."

After that sentence, I closed the trap door that revealed the inside of the Ballista and pulled the lever. As I predicted, it activated and was now able to be used.

I smirked, looked over to the other's. "See?"

Lumine and Paimon clapped in amazement. I felt the feeling of pride swell up in me as they did so.

Ah, feeling amazing is the best type of feeling!

I moved over to the side leaving space for someone to use the weapon. "So, what are you waiting for Lumine, Paimon? Come on and try it!"

They wasted no time going over. "Wow! So, how do we use it!" The child asked excited.

"It's easy enough, we simply need to do this. Look, it even has a scope." Zhongli motioned over to the scope that the duo could use.

"How fascinating!" Lumine exclaimed, her aura radiating a sparkle of wonder. "I'd like to try!"

While they were distracted with that, I was going to ask Zhongli something. However, I see Treasure Horders rushing to us at full speed, seemingly angry for some reason.

Wait.. don't tell me they broke this!?

One of them angrily called out to me. "Hey! Just what do you think your doing?"

We all turned our attention to the group of thieves who interrupted our search.

My happy expression turned into a neutral one. "I simply fixed the weapon over there. You got a problem."

I could hear the man clicking his teeth in annoyance. "So you fixed up this turrent. Because you're planning to do what exactly?"

'These people-' I frowned at them. "It's the Guizhong Ballista, not a turret."

Zhongli folded his arms looking at them in dissapointment, I copied his actions. "Also kindly state your name before you ask a question, it's just good manners."

"Ha! Are you blind or something? You looking at the leader of the treasure Horders old man!" Shouted the unwelcoming guest.

Wait- excuse me??

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