Ch 4: My first meeting

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The bear --who surprisingly was a human, sat beside the girl who I thought kidnapping her

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The bear --who surprisingly was a human, sat beside the girl who I thought kidnapping her. That Bearman wasn't even as big as Hagrid from Harry Potter. He was indeed muscular and nowhere requiring some timeout for eating. He was healthy and bulky. Compared with the little --short, pale, and had such sleepy eyes- Olivier, the Bearman looked like a superhuman.

The time for the meeting would soon come. I felt awkward sitting at the same table with Olivier and the others even if I recognized her. I looked around to see some tables were filled with some groups. Right beside Olivier's table, I could see a group of girls --with one boy, talking enthusiastically and Kyo joined that lively table. On the back side, there was a pink bob-haired lady who sat alone with her book near the window. A one-eyed man sat across her table, with a white-haired man -not a grandpa, by the way. They didn't seem to be engaged in conversation --even if Jin joined their table with his warm milk spilled a bit.

... This island.. surely had some strange humans.

I decided to join the Kyo table as it looked rather safer. It was almost 6 pm when Lance entered the Two Pines and took the chair beside me.

"Am I late?" whispered Lance.

I shook my head. "Almost."

He sighed in relief.

"The mountain road was pitch black. The only light I had was the moonlight," Lance shared his experience as he rubbed his hair to clean the leaves. "I have this high respect for whoever did the naturalist job before."

"You should take a flashlight next time." I and Lance couldn't help but look at the voice beside me: a girl with long brown hair gave us a warm smile.

"Sorry to eavesdrop," she apologized. "The name's Yummi, the delicious but with 'I'." She tried to make a joke with her name --which wasn't really funny but we appreciated the thought.

Yummi then proceeded to tell us about herself with such a soft voice --almost non-existent. Well, I guess she would do well with ASMR.

"Alright, thank you for coming." Kyo suddenly stood to begin the meeting as soon as the clock hit 6 pm. He still wore that stiff face and piercing eyes, also... other designer clothes.

"As we've already known, we will have two new friends on our team: Lance and Luna."

Our names were called, time to bow and stand.

"So as you already know, I'm Kyo as the leader. I love coffee and I can't do sport. I try my best to be a good leader for....."

"Skip the boring part pleaaaasee~" The bear shouted to stop Kyo from talking.

I wondered, was it okay to bother the leader? was that approvable?

Oh, dear, so many things were messed up on this island.

"Okay..." Kyo obeyed the bear. "Let's move to the member introduction..."

Kyo tapped the table we joined.

"We got Elise, Ixora, Koko, and Yummi here," explained Kyo. "Elise tends the supermarket, Koko helps his uncle with the sea, Ixora will help you at the gym and you will interact with Yummi for the farm animals."

They waved to me and Lance --even if we were at the same table. Friendly... yet still weird.

"That table, we have Reanne as our doctor and Kaoru as our nurse. The man was called Storm.. and he was supposed to be a human."

Reanne gave us a friendly smile after she adjusted her glasses. Meanwhile, Kaoru was busy signing 'love' with her arms. As I looked at the table, I could see that Olivier wasn't introduced... yet she had the confidence to sit with the others. I tried to figure out the reason. Yet instead of knowing the answer, I caught Kaoru's gaze fixed on Lance who sat beside me. She looked mesmerized by Lance's physical attributes. Meanwhile, Lance couldn't care less as he got himself trapped in a conversation with Koko --the man at my table with long black hair.

Olivier might be someone's little sister, that was my final judgment.

"Well, and that's all for our Cowie members," Kyo ended the introduction. "It's hard to memorize all of our names but you'll soon get used to it. Do you have any questions so far?"

I raised my hand.

"Yes?" Kyo allowed me to ask.

"The lady on the back and the men... aren't part of our team?"

The people I mentioned looked at each other and giggled. All of them, except the white-haired man.. who looked honestly sour and sleepy.

'Yes," Kyo replied shortly.

"Oh, so we aren't your friends?" The owner of the inn --the man with wavy hair I saw on the counter before, responded with such disappointment in his voice.

"I didn't say that you aren't our friends," Kyo explained. "Also, Luna asked the humans on the back, so not you."

"Oh? So who are we?" the wavy-haired man ignored and pushed Kyo to the corner while he delivered a soup to the pink-haired lady on the back.

Kyo sighed.

"Alright. That man is Ludwig. The pinky lady was Aura... Proceed to left from right, we have Cole, Azriel, and Jin," Kyo rolled his eyes. "They're not the members of our team, but somehow they're our members."

"Thank you, our mighty leader," the man called Ludwig bowed like a knight bowing to his king.

"Sure, sure, whatever," Kyo expressed his speechlessness.

"Move to the next topic, shall we?" continued Kyo, unbothered by Ludwig's request.

"Luna will be our new farmer here, replacing our ex-teammate, Mawar..."

".... You will meet Yummi and Cole often. So I hope you'll be good with each other."

I nodded while Yummi winked at me.

"Lance... you will be our naturalist in charge of keeping the mountain, animals, plants, ores, and whatnot away from evil deeds..."

This time, Lance nodded. I guessed he didn't take Kyo's dark joke seriously.

"Kyo, is there anyone I could ask when I need help?" questioned Lance. "Well, like Yummi and Cole help Luna for beginning?"

Kyo coughed a bit before responding with his sentence.

"There is one..." Kyo hung his words.
"Well, she did mention that she wouldn't want to be a naturalist anymore, but I wonder if she still wants to help a friend though?"

My and Lance's brains were filled with utmost curiosity. As the silence reeked in, we decided to end the meeting that night.

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