Ch 48: Night market

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After that punishment, Elise swore to herself to not stay awake that long. She swore it for her beauty and health, also for her education strike. I did ask her what she did during the night, but she didn't answer.

I wondered why, but whatever.

Elise and Kyo were going to work in the revenue building starting tomorrow and I couldn't be more elated to share the good news. Of course, the rest of the team was so happy to hear the good news too. We hugged each other to congratulate them.

I meant, only hugged Elise.

Nevertheless, this day was going pretty good for me and I had fun. I believed that was the one that mattered the most: that I had fun. Well, put that aside, I really needed to work out. I could easily notice my out-of-breath after a few minutes of standing.


I'm sorry, Olivier. But I put you as my goal because you were weaker than me. Yet seeing this kind of health I had, I doubted my own health. Alright. I decided to sprint around the palace before taking a bath and sleeping.

After I asked Kyo and Mamoru's permission, I jogged around the palace. The night was kind of cold but nice because I got my body moving. Now I used to do the bowing, I could bow while running. It was fun, and I was glad that no one got offended by my informal bow.

Did they? Or didn't they?

Having mixed feelings, I set my feet outside of the palace and ran around the village. Some parts of the market were still lit up, probably they opened at night or so what I called by night market. I slowed my pace down and looked around. There weren't that many customers but still lively. Feeling exhausted, I sat on a stone wiping my invisible sweat thanks to the cold breeze.

Then, a rabbit mochi suddenly appeared before me.

"What are you doing here?" Jemi asked casually while offering the rabbit mochi. "Try some, super delicious if you like sweet."

"Thank you," I accepted the mochi and chewed on the ear. "I could ask you the same, Jemi."

"There's a birthday girl in the orphanage," Jemi explained while sitting beside me. "I just now finished with work and starved to death. I observed the night market and found you instead."

"What a journey..." I nodded but still enjoyed the mochi. "Say happy birthday from me to her, please."

"Will do," Jemi replied without looking at my way. We both were busy looking at the beautiful night market so looking at each other was out of the question, of course.

"How's your day?"

No kidding I was so touched upon hearing Jemi's question. I let my mind out fully. About the teacher, Elise and Kyo, and the kind old lady manager. I even expressed how I forced the food from Mr. Pummel and at the end, I noticed that I needed to work out. I felt a bit unhealthy. Not in the sickness term, but it was just because I wasn't really acting like my age.

"Maybe you switched your age with Olivier's..." Jemi commented nonchalantly. I pinched his belly and he laughed.

"Well, after all, I'm glad you had an amazing day and I'm glad that you're not having a diet," Jemi smiled while getting up and reaching his hand out to me.

"What?" I asked with my cheek full of mochi.

"You need to drink. Let's find some," Jemi replied. "Let's go."

I accepted his hand and we were walking around the night market. We found some iced beverages... was it a smoothie? was it something alcohol? I really didn't know. But, Jemi didn't stop.

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