Ch 47: Gravy

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Mathematics was a must for the ancient people too, I guess. Truthfully I was looking forward to some kind of nontheory classes like the manner class or world history... or even Burningshield story. If there was art, it wouldn't be so bad too. It was just because I was preparing for graduation after living in Cowie, so I really didn't expect another education.

Well, not that I had much choice.

I listened to the teacher like everyone else did... probably. Since I sat in the front row, I couldn't really have a clear vision about the people in the back rows. It was my choice after all so I couldn't blame myself.

About the teacher.

We had different teachers for different lessons. This one teacher seemed kinda different. She didn't smile as much as the other previous teachers, and I wondered why. Maybe she had a bad day? Ah... Please don't tell me that she was the kind of teacher who was looking for someone's fault.

I really hoped so, but again, I was so wrong.

Elise, who clearly couldn't sleep last night, tried really hard to stay awake. She nodded and nodded and eventually passed on the floor. Jemi rushed to save her sister. The good news was that startled her and made her less sleepy. The bad news was... the teacher was so furious.


Was that yelling necessary, though? Ugh, I forgot that ancient people used ancient types of education. I tried to utter my mind but Elise was stronger than I thought.

"I apologize," she asked for forgiveness right ahead. "I had not enough sleep last night so I had trouble staying up..."


Elise was startled but she indeed realized her mistake. With Jemi's help, Elise sat back on her chair and Jemi returned to his seat.

"What kind of scholars are you for being asleep in my class?!?!"

... and that teacher spent the rest of the time only to yell to Elise. Nothing we could do but the yellings were pretty much getting exaggerated. The teacher mentioned how badly Elise behaved, how hurtful it was for the teacher to see a scholar sleeping in her lesson, and how she was a failure for being the only scholar who didn't have a job. I saw Mamoru and he didn't do anything. Probably because he knew that this very teacher would die too.

But it seemed so personal. Well, Elise wasn't sleeping and she did apologize so I really thought that everything was already okay but the yelling still happened.

"What do you want me to do?" Elise asked. "I feel bad for the others that I slept in so I want to make it up."

The teacher paused her sentence right after the end bell rang.

"Come to the Inland Revenue building next to the park and do your thing after school."

Elise nodded yet she didn't complain. The teacher excused herself and Elise made her way to the building.

"Are you okay, Elise?" I expressed my worry about her.

"I'm fine, thank you," Elise smiled. "Think of this as a punishment for my...."

Elise didn't continue her sentence as she sighed instead.

"Well, I need to go now, see you guys," Elise waved at me and the others.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jemi asked.

"Dude, I'm a big girl. I'm a lady. Sit tight and see what your sister's capable of, okay?" Elise shook and assured her brother with that confidence. "You need to go to the orphanage, right?"

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