Ch 32: Our castle

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"Stop it, you two."

Storm and Koko behaved themselves after Kyo stopped the commotion. It was another boys' night out, with me inside the group. I looked around to see the change; nothing changed. Only Jin leaned on the chair, enveloping his eyes with his right arm.

"Come on, Jin. It's been one day since that last name event and you still can't hold yourself..." Azriel tapped Jin's head with his chopsticks.

"Let me be, please..." Jin whispered.

"Yes, yes..." Azriel shrugged.

"At least Jin made one step further not like you, Ludwig..." Cole claimed.

"Huh??" Ludwig couldn't accept the sudden comparison. "HUH?? WHAT DID I DO??"

"That man just admitted that he needs to see Reanne daily to keep him sane," I poured the tea.

"SSHHH!! SSSHHHH!!" Ludwig shushed me down with his local rain coming from his panicked mouth. "Why do you girls like to gossip so much??!"

"It's not a gossip if it's true..." I did the whatever pose. "You should be grateful that I told on you that you made a progress..."

"Well, for starters, Reanne isn't that clueless. She picks up the hints like a year ago from Ludwig but she's not really sure whether Ludwig offers love or..."

"Or...?" Ludwig halted Cole's voice.

"Or just a shenanigan..." Cole continued.

"OH, COME ON!!" Ludwig lost his cool. "How could you think like that??"

"I would stop thinking like that if you make an improvement..." Cole answered. "You and Jin are the same. Back to square one, after all."

After the last name incident, Olivier didn't spend a single minute outside. If she was an ordinary girl, we could assume that she was sick or still mad at Jin. Yet, this is Olivier we're talking about. If she wasn't going outside, then it meant that she was still sick. Her love for animals and leafy creatures was bigger than anything.

Did she give up?

Kaoru confiscated her phone and 'managed' the spam with her skill. I didn't know what skill it was, though I could see that she kept on raging whenever the 'Mr. X' contacted... which was almost every hour.

"It's driving me insane..." Kaoru told everything to Reanne, desperately. "Just imagine that and being in that kind of relationship –or not even in a relationship, it's already killing my mind."

"You could see that clearly from Olivier's reaction..." Reanne patted Kaoru's head –who got drained from dealing with Mr. X. "It's like a mental war every day. And sadly, everyone who entered the toxic relationship has late awareness that he/she was in that kind of relationship."

That was the topic we had when I visited the clinic this morning and of course, Olivier hadn't woken up yet because of her medications. It was like a certain someone I knew. Yes, I felt like the toxic relationship also enveloped Lance's situation with Mawar. The reason why Lance was still 'worshipping' Mawar was only one: he didn't know about a thing.

"Well, I think the other reason about escaping a toxic relationship was also because the heart spoke louder than the mind..." Aura, who was another girl member of the boys' night out tonight, stated. "Olivier as the working brain in our group even got dumbed by that boy. She must be really sincere."

Ah, and that was what happened to Lance, too, I guessed.

I thought the single revealing moment at the clinic I just mentioned was merely a simple talk, yet I didn't think that worked for Jin. He uncovered his eyes and was lost in deep thought. Maybe we just knocked some buttons for him to wake.

"He was that toxic and Olivier loved him that much?" Jin asked.

"It's not that rare..." Aura replied. "It's common sense that the partners love each other."

"You do that, too?" Jin cluelessly asked again.

"Beats me..." Aura smiled. "Fortunately, the man I love is some healthy man..."

"What do you mean by some healthy man?" Ludwig, this time, couldn't hold to ask. Aura looked confused by the question.

"Don't you think that the opposite of toxic is healthy?" Aura returned the question; one question that left us hanging further away from the real topic.

"Anyway..." Cole tried to manage the crowd. "It's surprising me, actually. Have you ever fallen in love that you could feel your logic isn't even functioning well, Jin?"

"Before Olivier? No," Jin answered. "I told you guys before that I didn't have any exes but you didn't even seem to take my words seriously."

"We all know," Koko commented. "It's just fun teasing you."

Koko giggled with Storm and Ludwig. Jin facepalmed in speechless.

"What if Olivier was toxic and your logic was nullified by this?" Aura interrogated.

Jin smiled upon hearing Aura's words.

"To borrow your sentence: Fortunately, the woman I love is some healthy man..."

Aura nodded and smiled before she took her night tea. It was like she always got paired with an elegant teacup and tea.


Kyo's sudden voice silenced the whole gang. His eyes were attached to his phone, and at that exact moment, Kaoru dashed from the front door –taking the doctor and the patient behind her.

"MR. X IS HERE!" Kaoru shouted.

It seemed hard to believe yet we all were dumbfounded. We looked at Olivier's face and we were certain that Mr. X was here. Olivier was shaking –Reanne and Ludwig brought her to another room on the upper floor.

"Why Olivier's here?" Storm asked Kaoru. "Is it better to let her stay here rather than in the clinic?"

"That Mr.X knows that Olivier's staying in the clinic!" Kaoru answered. "We need to move her again if it's not possible to have Olivier here!"

"No, it's not necessary, Kaoru..."

Ludwig appeared from upstairs with Reanne, supposedly because they had succeeded in moving Olivier to her room and opted to join the not-so-boys night out.

"This Two Pines is our castle," Ludwig stated. "We got warriors, we got defenders and I will assure any of you that you guys would be safe within the Two Pines. If none of it exists, I would fight. Rest assured."

Usually, we could see the silly Ludwig yet not tonight. He seemed capable... and this sudden capable... kinda enchanted Reanne. Reanne, who walked behind him, was looking at the wavy-haired man before him in awe.

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