Ch 22: Pendant

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"Hey, I bring the tools you want from the minimarket

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"Hey, I bring the tools you want from the minimarket..." Storm rubbed his eyes. "What kind of silliness you guys caused for me to bring this tool at a freaking 5 am?"

"Just shut up, duh," Ludwig annoyed, taking the tool he came up with to Aura.

"No thanks for the big Storm?" Storm acted cute.

"We didn't even sleep last night so please just sit on that corner and watch," Ludwig ordered around.

Storm pulled his lower lip, sulking, yet still sat on the corner Ludwig asked him to be on. I felt bad for Storm, but I didn't have enough energy to even thank him. I, Ludwig, and Aura were all sleepless, and they were helping me mend the broken flower and vase we took on the patio last night. My eyes were all swollen because of the night I spent crying. We didn't even have the time to move from the small spot on the side of the Two Pines' first floor.

"Can it be fixed?" Ludwig whispered.

"... I don't know, Ludwig..." Aura answered, still trying to fix it. "My hands are so stiff on doing crafty. Killing someone is even easier for me."

We used the tool – some kind of glue, to recombine the flower Mawar destroyed yet no one from this small group even knew how to use it. The only best thing we could do was fix the flower vase –which wasn't looking so good either.

"Should I get someone?" Ludwig offered. "I don't know someone's crafty though..."

"My best guess is Reanne, Olivier, or Yummi..." Aura elaborated. "But I don't know if we should let them know this. They would rage to Mawar and we don't know what she would do if the others rage."

"Aura..." Ludwig sighed. "Reanne, Olivier, and Yummi... they're like the bottom of the raging members on the list."

"Ssshhh, just shut up. I can't see if you're talking," Aura was clearly annoyed.

"How can you can't see if I'm talking??!!" Ludwig let out his confusion. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Ssshhh, sshhhh, oh God..." Aura panicked.

The morning was still too early. The peaceful Cowie Island was still on its slumber but not with these 3 people who helped me with my selfish request. I knew that it was exaggerating to try to fix a broken flower and a vase. We could manage the vase, but the flower... it looked like it was crushed to pieces.

I knew I was exaggerating; I knew, you could blame me. But I couldn't give up on my first gift I cherished so much. It was only another flower after all, and I knew that very well. I just couldn't give up. Like a saint, Aura, and Ludwig didn't even mock my decision to fix the flowers. They helped me with all of their might.



Ludwig and Storm jumped in shock because Jemi suddenly entered the inn without any sound. Jemi rolled his eyes at the clown act Ludwig and Storm just presented. After rolling his eyes, he watched me and Aura's side –still trying to fix the flower.

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