Ch 29: Magical power

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It was hard for me to leave the Two Pines just because I felt worried about my new friends

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It was hard for me to leave the Two Pines just because I felt worried about my new friends. Azriel, who wasn't proven guilty but dragged; Reanne, whose feeling wasn't minded; Olivier, who was currently unable to move but insisted on trying; Ludwig, whose table got stabbed and the officers, who got called but received a mess.

I did remember that Mawar was in their team last year, so I really couldn't imagine what had happened amongst them to 'blacklist' Mawar from re-entering the team. Was it that vital? Did Mawar do anything even worse at that time?

I took my sweet time enjoying my warm tea. It was hard for me to go to sleep with this current situation...

And it was indeed hard for me to sleep after I heard a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I opened the door.

"Luna..." Elise smiled, offering some snacks. "I wasn't being too friendly the last time you visited my house. I brought you snacks."

"Oh, thank you... aww..." I accepted the basket almost teary-eyed again.

"Jemi was true, you're easily moved..." Elise laughed.

I pulled my lips to sulk jokingly after I invited her to the guest room.

"What a cozy room! I like this!" Elise went through the decorations I put in the ear fairy room. "Good job with the details, too!"

"Azriel's way too enthusiastic about making the decorations, I suppose!" I giggled at seeing Elise's reaction. "Some tea?"

"That would be lovely, thank you!" Elise giggled at my response.

I let Elise enjoy the decorations while I'm enjoying the sight of an elegant woman before me. Elise, with her expensive wavy perms, looked on a different level from the others. I recalled that Jemi mentioned him being poor, but it seemed impossible to see Elise with this priceless appearance. She also walked and stood so straight, as if she was some kind of loyalty.

"Uh, excuse me?" Elise noticed my stare.

"I'm sorry!" I panicked. "Your golden hair's so beautiful. I can't help but stare at it."

Elise grinned.

"Thank you! I couldn't even remember when was the last time I received such a heartfelt compliment!"

"When was the last time?" I asked.

"Well..." Elise tried to remember. "The last time was Olivier looking awestruck at my hair and shouted 'WHOAAA.. YOUR HAIR'S AMAZING...' right after she entered the supermarket for the first time."

I wasn't even present at that time but I could imagine that scene clearly on my head.

"We wouldn't know if it's a genuine compliment or just a baseless talking to get a discount, right? Yet we totally understood that it's just a total strike and I felt so delighted with that..."

Elise joined me at the tea table and sipped her tea.

"... and I felt guilty because Olivier didn't even ask for a discount that day. I felt horrible to accuse her."

Well, I guess people would be easily deceived by Olivier's appearance. She was way too spooky and we couldn't predict her moving. And yes, her spook was in a positive way.

"I bet everyone's thinking the same," I smiled. "They just can't say it out loud like her to take your feelings into consideration."

Elise smiled back.

"You're right," she followed. "I ever caught Reanne looking at my hair and smiling, Kaoru and Yummi asked about the conditioner I used, and Ixora even asked about my morning routine. I guess they had the same reactions, yet a different approach."

I filled Elise's tea cup which was halfway done while listening to her story.

"But that witch was accusing me of having some man funding my hair..."

I stopped breathing.

"That witch is..."

"Yes! Of course, Mawar!" Elise sighed deeply. "I couldn't even reach the man I like! How else I could ask him to treat my hair somewhere expensive?! Of course, I cared for my own hair to the best treatment I can afford!"

Just like that, Elise exploded. She stomped and stomped the floor she was on as if she stomped at Mawar.

"I couldn't even get to the man I like...."

Else's rage turned into a sudden cry. She wiped her eyes with her palms and accepted my Kleenex.

"Does he know that you like him...?" I cautiously asked her.

Elise shook her head.

"No... I mean I'm not entirely sure..." Elise hesitated. "I always spend my time with him the most, right? Even though I work with Jemi, he still has fewer hours with me than him. So, I really hope that he would notice..."

Elise sighed deeply again. I wouldn't lie that I wanted to know about the man that Elise liked, yet I also didn't want to bother her privacies. I would know if she let me know... or else if I was lucky enough to know.

"Some days ago, he so suddenly offered me a snack..." Elise began her story. "He never did that before so I was pretty happy. It was nothing expensive, though. Yet we sort of began to have our own snacking time to just have a chat. It was lovely!"

I choked on my tea. Don't tell me... the man she liked was... Kyo??

Elise cluelessly smiled so wide.

"Well, I always think of him being so strange... Is strange even the right word for him? Hmm..."

I let Elise lost in her thought.

"Nevertheless, he looked so different –not in a bad way, of course. He's totally my type, so I won't complain. But his expensive style makes him harder to be reached... by me especially."

"You look so fashionable too, Elise. Just saying..." I raised my hands just to prove that I wasn't sugarcoating.

Elise smiled again.

"Thank you. I don't mean to brag but it means a lot for me to hear it."

"Why?" I began questioning.

"Because we live in a world where the power rules. I mean all power. You can say the rich, the strong, the smart... or maybe others –they are the powers that rule this world and I want to make myself look powerful so I could protect the powerless."

I watched Elise closely. She held his head with her left hand and her gaze roamed around the room –so effortlessly elegant. She looked like some kind of important person sitting in the government.

"Anyhow, this guy I like... I kinda have this feeling that he tries to hide his power..." Elise changed to gossip mode. "Well, he looks expensive so there's no way to hide that, of course. But I wonder why he tries to hide that?? That's not a sin!"

Humans. We would talk endlessly about humans. Even the twins had some noticeable differences from one another, so it would be shameful to think that humans would be the same.

"Well... whatever his reason is, I hope that he will reveal someday and put his power into use..." Elise ended her sentence with a big sip.

"I share your view," I smiled. "I hope more powerful people will help those in need and those treated injustice..."

"... Like the magical thing with Azriel today."

Elise looked surprised by my sentence, yet that surprised face soon switched to a relieved smile on her face.

"You're right. Such magical power exists..."

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