Ch 6: Abnormality

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I felt bad for Olivier, as bad as I felt for Reanne and Kaoru

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I felt bad for Olivier, as bad as I felt for Reanne and Kaoru.

I truthfully thought that I was a mere small spot in this vast world, which meant that I was nowhere perfect in understanding the world, which also meant that there must be something else that I didn't know just yet.

Cowie Island, for example.

How could a stiff guy like Kyo bore the leadership role? how could a man with such 2 meters tall exist? How could someone like Mawar got treated badly even if she did great with the farm? Come on, everybody knew that it wasn't easy to develop automatic sprinklers in this rural area. And now, I and Lance had to be astonished by the fact that Olivier --this small girl, was the naturalist before Mawar.

We couldn't contain our shock yet Lance managed to pull me out from the clinic. Even though he needed Olivier's help, he couldn't believe that he had to ask for Olivier's assistance.

"Tell me, what is naturalist?" Lance opened the conversation up.

"Do you want me to google it up for you?" I joked --but he was as pale as if he had seen a ghost. He didn't laugh at my joke at all.

"She looked nowhere as compatible as naturalist sounds!" Lance concluded. "You saw with your own eyes, how that girl was short and weak. There's no way she can survive on being a naturalist!"

I knew that Lance only talked logically and honestly, it also seemed hard for me to accept that Olivier was the naturalist before. But, if Reanne lied, then for what purpose? Nothing good would come if she lied.

"You see..."Lance pointed to the mountain road --the only road to the mountain with no light and no proper stepping."Ordinary humans would just die in this kind of road! But she still survived! Even replacing Mawar!"
Lance continued his suspicion.
"There's no way she could replace Mawar. Something's wrong with this island."

I followed and listened to Lance's babbling. He seemed frustrated. Of course, I couldn't blame him. He thought of Mawar very highly --after he knew that 'Mawar' took the initiative of paying for his education.

Yes, he still didn't know the truth.

We reached Lance's small hut --probably the same hut used by the previous naturalists. I rested my butt on a big banana leaf as the small hut was too small to even contain laying me and Lance.

"Now I can't ask for anyone's help..." Lance seemed desperate, but his eyes were still on fire, looking at his small note. "If I couldn't do anything, then I should try to go to Cowie Library."

Why did he come up with such an escape plan? I shrugged.

"You seem to underestimate Olivier so much..." I rolled my eyes. "She didn't do bad things to you, you know."

Lance closed his book.

"So you take her side?" accused Lance.

"No no no... that's not it..." I quickly explained. "I just stated that you don't even know Olivier and the others..."

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