Ch 27: Arrested

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The moon switched with the sun so fast that day

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The moon switched with the sun so fast that day. I wasn't sure that all of us were fully rested but I could expect that we would have a better day ahead.

I started my day earlier than before. Removing the mini-grasses on the field and checking the animals. Slowly I used to do the farm life I didn't expect that I would enjoy.

"Okay, I'm done."

I stretched my body left and right; trying to pull some tiredness out. Then, I proceeded to lock the farmhouse --which I usually didn't do because of the high safety rate in Cowie, and left the farm.

Where should I go now?

I hadn't yet familiarized the habit in this village --should I give flowers to a sick person or not? One thing that I noticed about Olivier was she enjoyed Reanne and Ludwig's soup so ... should I get one?

I contemplated while hopping on the village road.

Eh, I won't get anywhere if I don't take the first step, right? I skipped to the minimarket to buy some flowers for Olivier.

"That's nice of you," Jemi, who was watering on the front, greeted me with a morning compliment. "She seems to 'always' be sick right? That's why I guess it's unnecessary to give her flowers or some get-well-soon gifts..."

I felt a bit disappointed but I caught Jemi's idea. I sighed as I didn't know what to do.

"Take this," Jemi offered a basket of small flowers. "Tell her I said hi."

It was as if he understood me thoroughly; I couldn't contain my happiness as I received the basket.

"Thank you...." I was teary-eyed.

"Is that your habit?"

"What is what?" I asked.

"You seem to be so easily crying or tearing... something..." Jemi explained while caring for the flowers at the same time. "Is that your habit?"

I was, of course, startled. It was new to me to get that kind of comment. Was it an insult or just a genuine concern, only him and God knew.

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm that crybaby then..." I wiped the corner of my eyes. "It's just I've been through a lot so I cherish small actions."

This man before me, I thought he was humble and kind and all, but I guessed he was just another cold-hearted fellow. Maybe he was like Kyo? I didn't know for sure. I just felt that he was laughing at me.

"Okay, I'll be off to the clinic now," I rushed.

"Yes, be careful on your way," replied Jemi.

I couldn't help but get confused. What's up with the sudden comment about tears and the sudden reply to be careful? Was he just being ignorant and making some small talk to me?

That was when I realized that he was smiling while staring at my eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, why bother to cover them with tears?"

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